Breathing for credit

Mar 12, 2019 11:28

It never ceases to amaze me how making music with friends lifts my mood.

Yesterday was pretty much spend in git-er-done mode, which, while useful for getting necessary things taken care and rolling with the punches, is wearying, to say the least. And the punches kept coming, so I ended up leaving work super late, which left me very little time to walk the doggos, feed doggos and myself, and get to rehearsal. Thaknfully (?) it was raining, so the girls didn't want much of a walk. I had just enough time to make myself fancy oatmeal and hit the road.

To my great surprise, I made it to rehearsal on time, and JR gave us a nice, long warm-up, and then we Puccini'd for two and a half hours. It wasn't perfect. There were still places where everybody, including myself, was singing things incorrectly. There are still people doing their ts wrong for Italian music, and Puccini honest to goodness wrote accents on the wrong syllables in places. I have a lot of work to do this week to not embarass myself for Maestro(a?) Scappucci. Still. Breathing together. Making beautiful lines together. Unifying our consonants. Mastering an annoying passage. Catching our accompanist's eye and grinning when he plays a musical joke at a cut-off.  Anticipating a correction before we even get it because, yeah, we know what we messed up. Just having a room full of 90 people all working to make a thing, and occasionally succeeding. And it's awesome. I mean, I love singing and playing guitar and piano on my own, but there really is nothing like singing in a choir.

Plus yay, JR let us out 15 minutes early for good behavior. Also because we're singing just about every night next week. Again, there's lots to do before we perform, but I'm looking forward to it.

I beat Mr. 42 home, since he stopped at the pub for dinner after his last lesson. He had a burger with birthday bacon and truffle-oil guacomle which sounds like heaven. He won points for bringing home a growler of AleSmith's wonderful new beer (out this week!), HI Hoaloah, an absolutely superb pale ale with sake rice and fruity Galaxy hops, which we enjoyed whilst watching an episode and a half of Chef's Table.

As of this morning, the poor doggos have had three rainy walks in a row, but it's supposed to get progressively nicer all week, which will be lovely. After a rainy night and morning, the skies have cleared and I can see the ocean from my office window again.

Tonight, we're having dinner and possibly games with CS, which will be delightful.

OK, gotta go set up for the chalk talk and hope the rest of this visit goes according to plan. I have to wrangle survey responses and set up a second survey.

Smooches to all,


dogs, weather, television, sdmc, singing

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