In retrospect...

Mar 08, 2019 10:44

...I probably shouldn't have mentally framed this as a light week because I don't have multiple performances this weekend. Because it isn't, not by any stretch, and it's not looking like I'm going to have much in the way of R&R this weekend, apart from my determined lie-in on Saturday morning. Because:

Monday: Day 1 of candidate visit at work, Master Chorale rehearsal
Tuesday: Day 2 of candidate visit at work, music prep + house cleaning
Wednesday: Promote next week's candidate seminar/endowed lecture prep, sang an Ash Wednesday service
Thursday: Make/distribute candidate schedule/endowed lecture prep, Heavenly Choir rehearsal
Friday: Endowed lecture at work, only opportunity to hear a performance I really want to hear
Saturday: SLEEEEP, quality time with doggos, work on Puccini and Sunday service music, evening ???
Sunday: EFFING TIME CHANGE, singing for morning service, work on Puccini/Handel, clean for Tuesday guest, maybe watch things???
Monday: Day 1 of candidate visit, Master Chorale rehearsal...
etc. etc. etc.

So yeah, no rest for the whatsit.

At least next week's candidate is the last one until we get our second visits scheduled OR late April, whichever happens first. So it'll be nice to have some time to catch up on all the stuff that's piling up on my desk. If I can captialize on that time I'll have instead of being exhausted and mopey. Fingers crossed! LOL and now I have been gently nudged to start on stuff Big Lecure Series in May. On the day of Endowed Lecture. *laughs slightly hysterically*

Per my composer friend's request for Christmas carol lyrics, I've assembled a couple of stanzas of a children's song and am working on the third. I've also reached out to the Canon at the Cathedral to see if he can help me find a progressive hymn text that I only vaguely remember. I shall keep plugging away at words and doing research.

OK, off to go start moving things around and setting up.

Smooches to All,


work, sdmc, singing, aspl

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