And the lake has ally-gators...

May 13, 2007 12:59

I just left the following on my parents' answering machine, with Mr. 42 accompaning on clarinet:

A Letter on Mother's Day
With thanks to Alan Sherman

Hello Muddah! It’s your daughder.
I ain’t calling ‘cause I oughter.
I ain’t got no pretty flowers,
But I wrote-a lovely dance dat’s of the hours.

Since today is for da mudders,
Hope dat sister and my bruddah
Are behaving like two winners
And that they’re preventing you from cooking dinner.

Dank you ma!
You really raised us good, dear ma!
You gave us more dan any could,
Instilling in us love of arts and four voice parts.

Dank you ma!
Your moral lessons really sticks!
So now you got two girls in arts, dear ma, and eldest son,
Who’s now in politics.

Oh my muddah- she’s da bestest
Even kind when she is stressedest!
Even when I’m quite a stinker,
She keeps up her dignity as a head shrinker.

Dearest Muddah, here’s my thankings
For the huggings and the spankings
Since we ain’t all in the slammer
And da way yous always made us learn our grammar!

I can just hear my mom's response: "For this we paid for nine years of voice lessons?"

family, filk, funny, words, rhyme

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