This is my typical Wednesday whine about being tired and needing to get to bed at a more reasonable time with sincerely-stated "I have only myself to blame"s and "can't afford to get sick"s blah blah blah.
And now that that's out of the way,
solarwind brought over Pitch Perfect last night, so I now have some sense of why all my singer friends are gaga for it. It was cute and fun and actually scratched the surface of the joys of being in a choir. There was a bit too much projectile vomiting for my taste and featured typically movie-unrealistic rehearsal/performance tropes, but it's a good-hearted, funny movie with a relatively diverse cast about a bunch of young women who love making music, and I can't not be in favor of that. I might wait to see the sequel until it's available on DVD but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it.
Mr. 42 also made kick-ass fajitas. Though it turns out I am a pretty lousy fajita-assembler, because I made the rookie mistake of putting oil-cooked veg on top of guacamole, so every bite sent stuff shooting out of the tortilla. And when I'd try to push peppers back into the bottom of the fajita, onions would pop out of the top. Ah well. At least I provided some entertainment during the meal.
I have a Staff Development Thingy this afternoon. I'm approaching it with an open mind but not much optimism, because staff development/education at [university] has thus far been lousy. For starters, you need your supervisor's approval to take even the crappy module e-classes and you can only use [university] funds to pay for it, so you can't pay to educate yourself. So say you want to learn how to code. Unless your supervisor agrees to let you use your work time to learn it and is willing to cough up department funds to pay for aforementioned crappy module e-classes, tough titties. But wait! There's an online library, so you can teach yourself to code by accessing Java for Dummeies online! BUT since they don't want you to download the whole book and distribute it, you have to be logged into the vendor's buggy site to read the book AND it's text only with no figures. Like, y'know, the figures that show you coding examples. Did I mention staff development/education here has been lousy? I may mention it again, because staff development/education here is lousy. At least my supervisor agreed to give me 3 hours to go to a Staff Development Thingy. We'll see if it was worth it. And I'm going with
ellienihon AND have a good book, so it shouldn't be a total waste.
Right. I got a ton of work done yesterday afternoon, and I'm going to try to do the same this morning. Tonight will probably be the night I actually succeed in getting to bed early. I also need to do singing and writing and editing. Wish me luck!
Love to All!