[Round 2] Nominations: Poll

Apr 28, 2015 21:39

So... lol. We had 22 fandoms nominated for this round. Which is a way lot.

Which is why we are settling this with a good old-fashioned poll!!!

Poll whoops we have a six-way tie!

In other news, we had TWENTY TWO nominations for this round and that's a bit crazy. So the mods are trying to figure out a situation where we don't have crazy lists like this every time. How would you feel about a genre designation given before every nomination round?

For ex: on Monday instead of a Nominations post going up, we'd instead have a Poll with 4-5 different genres (scifi, historical, teen/hs drama, dystopia, books, etc) go up and then once a genre is picked, then nominations will start. We're hopeful that this will help narrow down the nominations so that we aren't struggling to find a happy medium like this again.

Poll so then the question becomes

Of course, I want to apologize for the hiccups that we are coming across. Unfortunately, this is the first time (that I know of) where a multi-fandom fic exchange has tried to function on this kind of scale/schedule and so there's a few things that we - as a community - are going to have to try out together to see what works. Yuletide has the good fortune of being huge, once a year, and very strict guidelines. All of these things are not relevant here - so in order to keep things moving, we're just going to have to work some of these issues together.

Thank you for your support and for being so patient with us.

~ your loving mods

mod post, nominations

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