
May 04, 2015 09:11

So all in all, round one was a great run and some really great fic came out of it!! Thank you to everyone who came out for round 1 and also those who stayed on for round 2. We have something really special and exciting planned for round 3, so keep your eyes pealed!

But since this is all still new, we just want to make a quick post about one of the rules that we take very seriously around here.

Leave feedback on other people's fics when you read them.
Even if you only have time to say something short.
If you do not comment on the fic written for you,
you will be placed on probation within the community.

There are quite a few authors for round 1 that have not received comments from their recipients yet. It's very understandable that RL comes up and that people are busy and don't have time to leave a long comment. Please just at least thank your authors as soon as you can with each round. Here is the masterpost in case you just missed your story going up!

If a pattern emerges with any one person, we will ask you to sit out a round. Our authors come first always. Authors are very delicate, precious creatures. We all are authors here. So remember how important comments are. These are gifts.

Happy writing!!

rules, mod post

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