(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 04:59

Fandom: FFX
Characters: Tidus and Auron
Rating: Oh so sickeningly G.
Title: Butthead-Zapping Lasers
Notes: For saharasnow for HOLY CRAP HAS IT REALLY BEEN A YEAR SINCE I'VE WRITTEN ANY FIC AT ALL? D:D:D: In that case, I'll be amazed if anyone even reads this, but feedback is always nice. ♥
Wordcount: 454

Tidus crouched in front of the bucket, wiping his nose across his too-long sleeve.  Wear this, Auron had said, you'll grow into it next month.

Auron, Tidus had decided, was a big Butthead. And Tidus didn't need no Buttheads around, no way José.

"Don't worry, little guy," Tidus said over the rim of the bucket, "I'm gonna bring you food everyday. I don't really know what you like, but ---"

As though in response, there came a hissing and a slight skittering of crustacean legs against the inside wall of the plastic pail.

Tidus reached into his pocket and pulled out a napkin, mottled with grease.  "This is basically the best food ever. Super-fried spicy pickle crisps,"  He explained confidently as he dangled one of the yellow-green chips above the bucket before letting it go. "Yum!"

Tidus frowned.  The thing inside the bucket, which Tidus had just decided was named Bob, didn't seem to notice the spicy pickle deliciousness that Tidus had so generously shared with him.  "Look, if you wanna get big, you have to eat!"  Tidus had a vested interest in getting Bob really big, because then he could fix Bob up with a jet engine and some lasers and it would be awesome.

But no.  Bob just ignored his lunch.  Frustrated, Tidus reached into the bucket to retrieve his chip.  "Ow!" Tidus startled, kicking over the bucket as he leapt to his feet.  Bob had...stung him.  In his hand, five small black spines, each tiny wound forming a well of bright red.  Tidus scrunched up his face and sucked air through his teeth.   He would not cry, he would not cry, he would not --

In an instant, the heavy slap of boots running on damp sand drew near.  "What is it?"  his guardian demanded, sword drawn.

"B-b-bwuuuuaaahhhhhh," Tidus tried to explain as the tears started to flow.  The creature emerged from the upended bucket, scrabbling sideways across the beach, flickering as it drew its strange wings up.

"Sinscale?"  Auron puzzled aloud, his broadsword hovering awkwardly above the ankle-high fiend.

The tiny monster hissed, retreating back into the sea.  Auron had half a mind to swim after it -- not to kill it, but to find out where, how --

Auron glanced furtively at the sky.  It's not you already, is it?  Auron thought loudly, uncertain that anyone would be up there to hear it.

A honking sob sound broke Auron's brief reverie.  Tidus's too-long sleeve was all but drenched in slobbery, teary goo.  "BOB WAS MY FRIEND," He wailed.   With a huffing snort not unlike that of an exasperated shoopuf, Auron gently yanked Tidus's snotty, uninjured hand back toward their docked houseboat, with Tidus doing his best to resist, thinking only of jet engines and Butthead-zapping lasers.

fanfic, tidus, auron

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