(no subject)

Feb 10, 2011 02:47

Oh em gee.

I was cleaning through a cabinet today and found a sketchbook of crap art, including a number of crap art FFX doodles. I decided to scan some of them. These are probably from like 2006 or 2007. Don't worry. I haven't improved since then whatsoever. But feel free to like, take these as a cautionary tale of why Mugs should not be allowed near sketchbooks.

SORRY AURON, I APPARENTLY DIDN'T KNOW WHERE YOUR SCAR WAS. Also, as you may see by my utter lack of lines, I tend to spend all of 45 seconds on most of my arts. Uhh.


That's slightly better, but why the man boobs?

Why so sad and wall-eyed, Yunie?

Oh boy, aborted aulu chibis.

I-I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be Auron/Braska. Somehow.

This one, too. I do like Jecht's disembodied rage face though.

Oh maybe I actually spent some time on this one? To be fair, IDK if this one was meant to be FFX fanart, but it might be Auron.

Awwh, Wakka. ♥ I actually kind of like this one.

Lulu and a skull? IIRC, I think I might have been drawing from a haute couture fashion magazine.

Yyyyyyep. Lol anatomy.

After that, I decided to do some new doodles. Why not.

Here we see our hero, young Auron. He is wondering why his head is so large and why his right arm is outside of his coat.

I was trying to draw Yuna here, but Tidus would not let that happen.

This one was super fun. I would actually like to see someone with competence and patience do pin-up Lulu. And another I forgot to flip after scanning. Whoops.


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