(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 22:28

Fandom: FFX & Star Trek: The Next Generation
Characters: Rikku, Wesley Crusher, Nooj
Rating: Totally G.
Title: Just Another Pre-Warp Civilization
Notes: For trekqueen for this here meme. Yes, the first Trek fic I write centers around Wesley Crusher. THIS IS MY LIFE. Regardless, all feedback is adored, per usual. ♥
Wordcount: 456

"I'm telling you, we need to realign the biogenerative troranium subcore!"

Rikku twisted her lip and huffed a strand of blond hair from her cheek. Sure, he was kinda cute -- with those nut brown eyes, he beat out a Cactuar -- or a certain spiky-headed, eye-patched Al Bhed suitor who shall remain nameless -- any day. But --

"Gee, the toxin really got to you, didn't it?" She didn't actually know if he'd ever been anywhere near Sin, but at least it was politer than calling him flat-out insane.

For the fifth time in about as many minutes, the boy -- Ensign Wesley Crusher, he was called -- pressed the funny pin thing on his chest. "Ensign Crusher to Enterprise."

Rikku gulped back a frustrated yelp. "Would you just help me flip him over already?"

"Look, I'm sorry about your android, but trust me, I've seen this before. If I can just back to the Enterprise, we can get Lieutenant Commander LaForge and -- "

"Ok, so. I don't know what you're talking about, but when it comes to Nooj, I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about either. And if you'd have been more careful with your airship, we wouldn't even be here."

"Airship?" The boy started, a brief flash of confusion pinching his features. "Ugh, so I'm in a pre-warp civilization too?"

"Sure, sure, whatever. Now heave!"

Together, they rolled the unconscious Nooj to his back. A weak moan rolled from his broad chest.

"It's breathing," Wesley marveled.

"Of course, he's breathing. He just needs a swift kick in the machina and a shot of potion, that's all." With that, Rikku pulled a miniature toolkit from her hand dandy cargo belt. With an elegant economy of movement -- as her equally teenage onlooker noted -- Rikku flipped open a latch and got to work.

"You're an engineer," Wesley said, impressed.

Rikku snickered as she uncorked a small vial of an Al Bhed potion brew. "Tell that to Pops. I could use a raise."

With that, a strange chirp sounded out. "Oh thank god," the boy muttered, "Ensign Crusher to Enterprise. Energize, uh...please?"

In the next moment, the cute brown eyed boy...evaporated into pyreflies? No, no -- it didn't look quite like pyreflies. But he was definitely, completely -- and perhaps the teensiest bit unfortunately -- vanished.

As the boy disappeared, Nooj shuddered and began to cough. Rikku helpfully adjusted his glasses and handed him his cane. "What," he rasped, "What was that?"

"I don't know," Rikku said, brightening as she sprung toward the direction of the shuttle crash site, "But we sure got a new airship to play with."

wesley crusher, nooj, rikku, fanfic

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