Oh, how much more would I prefer a true "friends list" than a '"people who don't really give a rat's ass list?" The answer is... a lot. Some of y'all are real good to me. I hope I show my appreciation.
My desk is cluttered with many things, among them: a computer, a lamp, a tiki of Lono - the Hawaiian God of Peace, a Disney villains snowglobe, a Magic 8 Ball, a once recalled Fisher Price toy of a camel, a dictionary, an empty water bottle, bunch of Star Wars toys (including the Unleashed & Playskool figures and a super-deformed Boba Fett), a Hot Wheels sized version of The Partridge Family bus, some cds, Scotch tape, diskettes that I have no clue what's on, a remote control, a checkbook, and no less than 2 lists. One list has a bunch of songs on it for a cd I hope to make someone. This cd will be different from most I've made in that it's not a bunch of my favorite songs; it's a bunch of songs that will soon be among this person's favourites, I assure you. The other list is a bunch of things I keep meaning to write about on LJ. (I do this all the time, mind you.) Most of the list is crossed out. Let's take care of the rest of it, shall we? Find out what "saki," "resdogs," "inxs," and "pornkasey" means here.
*** "saki"
I'm on this very bland "pre-body scan" diet where I can't have anything involving iodine. This includes everything from sushi and most seafood to anything dairy. (Did you know they clean cow's udders with iodine? Me neither.) So for my last meal of freedom, I took my family to Saki... a Japanese restaurant. This place is hardcore Japanese too. They don't even give you forks! Now the purpose of this was three-fold. A) I was determined to have some sushi. Now I'm not even a big fan of sushi. I tried it once the first (and only other) time I'd been there and wasn't all that impressed, but I've been watching a lot of Iron Chef, so whatever. Tangent: Who the heck thought that eating raw fish would be a good idea? I'm a pretty adventurous eater (meaning I'll try almost anything once if someone tells me it's good), BUT the whole uncooked thing just seems wrong. 2) My dad would always drive past and wonder why there were no windows. And C) I wanted to show the world that I'm a generous sumbitch sumtimes.
*** "fruit"
Fruit 2 O, you tease me with your product. You smell all fruity and then taste like the same old bland water. Then your aftertaste makes me think I drank something half-decent. Still, you're doing a fine job of replacing Gatorade as the 'thing Rob always drinks at work.'
*** "deco"
I think "deco" is referring to "decoupage." (Some of these things have been on the list for a while now.) I have these ugly brown closet doors in my bedroom and I was thinking of being all Christopher Lowell-ish and plastering a bunch of pictures on there.
*** "resdogs"
Reservoir Dogs is a neat flick. I'm sure I had more to say about it than that, but it appears as though I've forgotten it. I bought the DVD (Mr. Brown version) a couple weeks ago. Watching it was slightly freaky as it brought back memories of seeing it the first time, back when I was sick and getting regular panic attacks. :/ Spoiler written backwards!! Hold your monitor up to a mirror to read. .Yawa tog kniP .rM kniht ot ekil d'I
*** "8miledrunk"
Shame on me for wishing failure upon anyone, but I really hope Eminem's movie is poorly received. And though I haven't seen the movie, how do I know that I'd have been perfect playing the Adam Sandler role in "Punch-Drunk Love." Watch Happy Gilmore get nominated for an Oscar.
*** "Gram"
Bruce Springsteen better not stand in the way of Norah Jones and Coldplay winning all the Grammies this year. I'm figuring them and the Dixie Chicks are all gonna get nominated. (I think October is the cut-off month.)
*** "pornkasey"
Despite how lonely, desperate, and pathetic my life may seem, everything I know about porn comes from Howard Stern. Anyway, there is a porn star named Kasey who is far too cute to be doing the things she does on camera. If I ever become a regular porn-watcher, you must destroy me.
*** "startours"
Is anyone going to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand soon? There are some exclusive Star Wars Star Tours figures that I must obtain. Or rather, that you must obtain for me and I'll gladly pay you back.
*** inxs"
Despite there being an already fine 'best of' compilation albums out there (and an even better 2 disc anthology), Tuesday saw the release of yet another one... including the first new INXS song of the post-Michael Hutchence era. I haven't heard it yet. (And with radio the way it is, I'm sure I won't unless I download it.) I'm more or less okay with it. To me, INXS = Michael Hutchence. He was the focal point and I don't think you could genetically engineer a better frontman. (Well, except maybe Shirley Manson.) Part Mick Jagger, part Jim Morrison, part Bono. I used to want to wear my hair like him. And I really wish I had the chance to see them live. Still, the rest of the band was solid and they deserve to create new music. It'll just seem like INXS 2.0 is all. Much better news is that 3 of their best albums have been reissued with extra tracks. And these are going on my Christmas list fo' sho.
Alright, it looks like "widesceen," "football/baseball," "phillipians," and "stephenking" are going to have to wait for another day's entry. I'm off to read and sleep.