Life without glasses for the first time in 60 years

Jul 21, 2016 12:51

I did a little digging in the Family Photo Albums after lunch today, looking for the last pictures of me without glasses and the first ones with them. My third-grade school picture [1955-56 school year] and photos from Christmas 1955 show me not wearing them. I don't seem to have a 4th grade school photo, but my 5th grade pictures [1957-58 year] show me wearing them.

So it looks like I got my first set sometime in 1956. That's 60 years ago. It feels really *strange* to *not* be wearing them.

I know this won't last; once my eyes settle-out from the cataract surgeries [I got the left eye done this past Tuesday] I will get a new prescription, because I'm told I *will* still need them for reading. Meantime I'm making-do with a magnifying glass for reading things on paper, and boosting the zoom on the computer display, to get the text large enough to be read *without* the magnifier.

Not sure what I'm gonna do for driving, long-term. The expectation is, that I won't need specs for distance-viewing [highway signs] but if I need magnifiers for the dashboard instruments, I'll still have at-least bifocals.
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