OK it is time to consult the Group Brain again

Aug 03, 2016 10:42

I am organizing the photos from my recent road trip into Word documents so I can ID all the airplanes I took pictures of.

Here is how the pages of one of the files come out when I try to print them:

It does not look like this when I just view the pages in the opened document, but in the printout the actual page is condensed at left-center, with an area of pale gray to the right, and humongous top & bottom margins.

Anybody: how did this happen, how do I get rid of it, and how do I keep it from happening again? It took me about 3 sessions to do this document; it is 20 pages long with 70-some more-or-less thumbnail size pictures in it, so I HOPE I don't have to start over from scratch.

And I've got two more documents to do with just as many pictures to organize [I spent 3 days at the Air & Space Smithsonian museums. This batch is what-all I took on the first day.]
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