water water everywhere from trickles to waterfalls

Feb 16, 2005 21:59

so it seems a lot has happened since i last updated. so on sunday i stayed inside for most of the day. but in the late afternoon a few of us decided to go to multnomah falls which is 13 miles up the road that we live off of. so we drove there and it was awesome because there were various viewpoints and other falls just on the side of the road. so we pulled off and took a look at each of them. they'll be a photo tour at the end of this entry.

so monday we drove around following our site supervisor who's supposed to know where he's going. we ended up putting 100 miles on our van in one day. we started at one site that had nothing but a trickle of water down the middle. we dug out blackberry roots and then planted a bunch of native plants. then we went to a site that the middle school is working on and we made them a trail because the younger kids were having trouble staying on the current trail. we flattened it out a bit and then placed jute coffee bags on top of it.

then on tuesday we worked at a site called Johnson Creek and we removed ivy from the ground and from the trees. but in the morning we went and visited Metro which is Portland's regional government which is higher than local but lower than state. it was pretty interesting. they are in charge of the garbage collection and recycling and they take care of the parks and greenspaces within their jurisdiction. then more ivy removal today. and then in the afternoon we went and saw a presentation about "the big pipe." basically they have a problem with sewers overflowing into the river during heavy storms so they are installing a huge pipe that will contain the sewage but will be able to handle large storm water flows.

(i've actually been using some of my science of water knowledge for this project).

This is sitting in the yard of the strange house that’s right outside the gates of the camp we are staying in:

View point:

Crown Point (the little tiny building in the right corner of the previous picture):

And now the tour of the falls as we came upon them on the road:


Matt molesting moss:

The Bat Cave

View from the top:

americorps, oregon, portland, weed removal, hiking, service learning, pictures, waterfalls

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