so all the stuff about all the days i havent updated

Jan 03, 2005 13:17

so i've been keeping a journal of sorts on my own computer...but it's all stuff that i want to share. so basically i'm just going to copy and paste and maybe add some original content at the's a lot though...

So 4 airports, 2 planes, and 13 hours later, I finally arrived home. So first, I had to take the 8:45 a.m. shuttle to the airport (my flight was scheduled to leave at 1:05 p.m.) because there wasn’t another shuttle that would work for me. So I got to the airport around 9ish and once I got through check-in and security (yay, they let me take my knitting needles on the plane) and what-not it was around 9:30 a.m. And when I got to the right gate I heard America West canceling flights and talking about the fog and everything. So then I thought that there would be major problems. But there was a Delta flight there that was taking off. So then American West has to send an aircraft to Oakland, CA to fuel up, again because of the fog. But there weren’t any other airlines at those gates having issues. I went up to the desk and asked the lady if they were expecting any delays and she said, “No, I think it’s just an America West thing.” So then I’m sitting there waiting and come to find out that it’s not a direct flight to Cincinnati as I had first thought, the plane was stopping in Salt Lake City, UT for some unknown period of time. So the flight gets there and it takes fricking forever to board. And I had noticed that with the rest of the Delta flights (that is my only complaint about Delta), they were arriving on time but then it took forever for them to board so they ended up leaving late. And I switched places with someone so I could sit next to Tara who’s on my roommates AmeriCorps team.

So we get into Salt Lake City late and then we have to sit there and wait because there’s an airplane at our gate. So they make an announcement that you can leave and get food if you want if you are continuing to Cincinnati but that boarding will start at 4:15 (we didn’t even start unloading until 4:10). So I go and get a snack and a drink and again, it took forever to load. And we were delayed because we were waiting for people. And then suddenly there were freezing temperatures (and fog) in Salt Lake City. So we had to stop on our way to the runway and have the wings of the plane sprayed. So we ended up leaving an hour late and they estimated our time of arrival to be 11:00pm. And the flight to Baltimore is leaving at 11:05. And when I asked the flight attendant about it the girl across the aisle from me was going to be on the same flight. And then I started thinking about what was going to happen if I missed the flight and having to spend the night in the airport and I started thinking about Terminal. So I watched the in-flight movie which was Shark Tale which was infinitely better than the last airplane movie (White Chicks), though that’s not really saying much. So as we are getting closer they start rattling off all the gates for the connecting flight departures. And we are arriving at gate B and all the other flights are leaving from gate C. So the girl across from me gets out the magazine and looks at the map of the airport and we have to take a fricking shuttle (which turned out to be a bus) to the next set of gates. So we land and they make an announcement about letting the people who have to connect off first but that’s just about the entire plane. So the whole plane is running through the airport (and all I could think about was Home Alone and “I’ll give you these beautiful dangly earrings if you let me have your seat on the flight…”) and they held most, if not all, of the planes for us. So I have to go outside and get on the smallest plane in the world (though certainly a little bigger than the one described in Ron White’s comedy). And they have to take my carry-on because there’s no way in hell that it’s fitting in the overhead compartment. And I got to walk up steps into the plane instead of go down a ramp. And if I stood on my tip-toes in the aisle I could almost make my head touch the ceiling. So it’s all good and the pilot makes good time and we end up making it to BWI on time, even though we left at least 20 minutes late.

Funny quote from the plane. So some guys behind me were talking about seeing stars in the sky and one guy says, “I’ve lived in Baltimore City my whole life and I ain’t never seen stars ‘cept when I’m drinking.”

So I’m going to talk about the homeless issue in Sacramento right now. On Thursday we worked with the city and we were basically just cleaning up trash over a certain amount of city blocks. They also had us dismantle a homeless camp. But there was a trash bag full of clothes that we decided not to take because they looked relatively new and we figured that someone would come back to get them. But on the other hand we knew that the sponsor would have liked for us to remove them. So then our team leader asked the sponsor to discuss why we tore down the camp because some of us were having issues with it. So the sponsor talked to us while we were having lunch. And he was talking about how there was a high concentration of homeless in this particular area because that was where all the homeless services are. And then he was talking about how the ones that didn’t use the services wanted to be homeless. But a lot of us disagreed with that, I don’t think there’s anyone that really wants to be homeless. There are a lot of other issues that come into play. I mean the person could feel threatened by the fact that other people are going to take care of them, they may not want to surrender their independence but they probably don’t want to be homeless. And then he was talking about how he had to cite someone that had indoor furniture in their front yard and he said they call it a “trailer park living room.” Now that’s all well and good to joke about something like that in the company of friends, but I don’t think a representative of the city should be saying that that’s what they call it to the general public. He just seemed very insensitive towards the homeless population and made a lot of sweeping generalizations that seemed very condescending because of his tone. We just felt that he could have approached the situation in a more appropriate manner.

EDIT - dammit i suck at copying and pasting...i'll post this part later.

from sunday, dec. 19th - EDIT - again i suck at copying and pasting...this will be up later.

Birthday presents:
The 2 Martina McBride Christmas concert tickets
Went out to dinner to Bill Bateman’s…yay crab pretzel, crab soup, and spinach & chicken quesadillas
Macintosh candle
Macintosh hand soap
Shrek 2
Black purse
Cheetah stuffed animal
Battery operated flickering tealight
Star Wars
In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner

Christmas gifts:
Mary Poppins
Mummy 1&2
X-Men 1.5
Princess Diaries 2
Plain silver necklace
4 pairs of studs
7 sweaters but three of them are going back
printer ink
photo paper
black purse
bunch of books
a world band radio
jelly beans

I don’t think a TNT Premier movie is really a major motion picture…especially if it stars Noah Wyle and is about a librarian.

I miss driving around and being able to listen to music and sing as loudly as I can.

So for New Year’s Eve first I met up with Eli who I haven’t seen since last winter and we went to lunch at Denny’s, the same Denny’s as last time. Then we went to Marley Station so I could look for The Ring. And they had a used copy at F.Y.E. but they wouldn’t open it up and let me look at it. Which doesn’t make sense, because if it’s guaranteed then it shouldn’t matter because you would be able to return it if it’s scratched and I would have bought it if not. When I asked the guy about it he told me that it’s in perfect condition and that they play them all before they resell them. Bullshit. But whatever, so I got a video of Alice in Wonderland for 99 cents instead.

So then later I went to Erin’s house and then we drove to the restaurant to meet with Amanda and Michelle. We were there for a little bit waiting for other people to join us. Then we had to go and get batteries and alcohol and that was fun. Especially in the crazy parking lot at 7-Eleven where everyone else was. And the football team or whatever was hanging out there and chest-bumping each other. Then we went to Mark’s house and it was fun. Just drinking and hanging out all night and we played apples to apples.

Then when I drove home in the morning I took Hartford Road which was fun. It brought back memories of when my dad, my brother, and I would be driving on that road in the station wagon and we would calmly ask my dad to speed up over the little hills so our stomachs would drop just a little bit, “rollercoaster roads” we called them. Or all the times we drove down that road to get to Beachmont for pool parties and hayrides.

and a little more stuff. saw Shaun of the Dead and i have to say that movie sucked. my dad compared it to Mars Attacks. then watched wicker park which was great and i cried like a baby at the end. went shopping with my mom on sunday to return stuff and spend my christmas money. got a few sweaters and an awesome hanging picture frame collage-type thing. then watched i, robot and garden state. they were both enjoyable though it seemed like garden state stopped too abruptly.

the end.

pictures to follow.

americorps, movies, birthday, quotes, christmas, funny, homeless, california, new years, airport

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