i'm going crazy over gavin degraw...
i was doing well...until a few weeks ago when i discovered all these new songs that i didnt have. then i went and saw him in concert yesterday before the Orioles game. so then when i got back to fl, i had to look for the rest of the songs that i dont have. and now i see that gavin will be in St. Pete on Friday, August 6th and in Orlando on Sunday, August 8th. i could go and see him twice in the same weekend! :-D
but i'm sure i'll just go to one, i'm not that bad. (yea i'm trying to convince myself).
so back up to other stuff...
(on another note, i keep forgetting that curtis has an lj client and i keep going to update online)
so i never wrote about my airport issues, and it's a good thing that i didnt write about the troubles on the way up because now i have a funny story about the way down to add to it as well.
the moral of the story is: "say no to changing your flight itinerary at the last minute": (yea i know the moral is sposed to come at the end)
so anyway,
so i get to the tampa airport on monday around 5:15ish. i go up the counter to check my bag and the woman asks me if i want to take a direct flight. and i ask how much it will cost and she says nothing. so i say sure thinking that she's going to tell me about the flight (i.e. when it's leaving...). so she clicks around on the computer and then is like, "ok, you're on the flight...oh it leaves in 20 minutes, i dont have time to check your bag, you'll just have to hurry up." so i was like, "no, really, i dont want to rush just put me back on the other flight." so she's having trouble doing so...and after a while she finally gets it, hands me my boarding passes, and then takes my baggage. i walk away from the counter and realize that she's put me on the wrong flight from atlanta to baltimore. so i go back over and get her to fix that. now i'm freaking out about my luggage because i've never done a transfer before and i'm used to my baggage being on the same plane as i am and it seems that it would be going on the later flight. but the lady tells me that it should be fine...and it was.
so i vowed not to change to a direct flight if i was offered...but i didnt stick to that vow. i get to the airport around 7:20ish this morning. i get up to the counter to check my baggage and again the lady asks me if i want to take a direct flight. she tells me that it's leaving at the same time as my flight and it will get me into tampa around 11:20am. so i call curtis and wake him us and ask him if that works and it does. so i'm sitting at the gate waiting for the flight and they come over the loudspeaker and say that the flight has been overbooked and they are looking for volunteers to go on a different flight. they are offering one free round-trip ticket to anywhere that they fly and a meal voucher. time goes by and it goes up to two round-trip tickets. i decide to stay on the direct flight. when i get on the plane and find my seat i realize that in moving to the direct flight i also got bumped up to business class, which meant that i could have had free alcoholic beverages if i so desired. it was funny considering all the people around me were talking about how it cost them $35 to upgrade. hah. so then they ask for one single volunteer to go on another flight and get into tampa around 1:20pm. i realized that they were going to take that person and put them on the flight that i was originally on. it would have been funny if i had volunteered to change flights (going back to my old flight) and received two free round-trip tickets and a meal voucher.... lol. but i stuck with the direct flight.
now my question is: where the hell were these direct flights when i was buying my tickets?
i realized that i'm really not too fond of landing. i mean if anything it would make more sense to be nervous about taking off... but as we were landing i found myself reflexively gripping the armrest rather hard.
so now that i've babbled about the airport let me go back to friday.
so it was the plan that i would meet erin at umbc with my little brother (read: just turned 16 on thursday and taller than me, but he's still my little brother). we were going to carpool to the game. well when i was at the conference, dr. jordan wanted to get together so that we could figure out what was wrong with my figures. we decided to get together around 2:00pm. well of course i forgot my parking pass that was in the glove compartment of my car in florida (i also forgot to bring my cell phone charger, thank goodness carrie and jen have nokia phones and i could bum battery power off of them). so i wanted to leave a little early so that i could go to parking services and get a permit. so i'm just about ready to go and my brother went and put his stuff in the trunk. unfortunately, he also put the keys in the trunk. so i had to call my mom (i had picked up the car on thursday night so it was at my dad's house) and have her come over with the spare set. since she didnt have to grab her regular set of keys she inadvertently locked herself out the house.
so then we went to umbc and dr. jordan and i did regression equations by hand, that was fun. we fixed the figures so now they correctly show the interaction effect which doesnt happen when the lines are parallel.
so then we met erin and we went to the game. in the parking garage we were parked next to the
but first was the concert. and gavin was awesome as usual. so when the announcer guy came up he was like "are you ready for a good concert?" and of course everyone yelled. and then he said, "good thing, because if you had said no, i was going to tell you to go over to the clay aiken show." lol. so it was great. except for the obnoxious girls in front of us with the sign. people asked them nicely to put it down (but not the first time they held it up of course) and they were being all bitchy about it. they were really pissing people off, people were conspiring to accidentally set it on fire... and then we found out that they weren't even from baltimore, they were from athens, ga. then everyone agreed that they should go home.
yes the hat is hideous
this part he was singing "let's get it on" or "sexual healing" i dont know, i think he was mixing the two together. anyway...he started singing the part "let me do what i want to do, all i wanna do is make love to you..."(repeat, repeat, repeat). and soon the whole crowd was singing but it was like, "what are you doing, you're 12?!" (referring to the crowd of course)
i got a few videos with my digital camera but the feedback from the drums and stuff is pretty bad. i have a really good clip where he was just singing and playing the keyboard so that's cool. but it was all good...he put on a good show.
too bad the orioles couldnt have done the same. they lost 7-3. we suck. and we were all the way in the last top row. but that's what you get for $5. but we didnt get wet when it was raining which is good. and we all got free floppy hats...even if it is black, gray, orange, and white camoflauge patterned.
and that's about it.