Look at me!

Jul 09, 2006 00:34

Brand NEW LJ Layout ... I am using LJ's Flexible Squares layout ... and was able to do a lot of customizations thanks to 
s2flexisquares which is a GREAT community if you have a Flexible Squares layout and want to customize it.  I do know that I said I was going to do a Liason Themed Layout, but I have been unable to find Elizabeth and Jason images that I like or come up with the type of banner that I might want .... So for now I shall use this Jagr banner that I had made but never used .... Look at my cute sidebar, not only does it have links thanks to the community I mentioned I was able to add extra boxes to the sidebar and add html in the form of icons and such, will play around with it more when I have more time.  Right now it's just about time for bed for me ...

Oh, I saw PotC2 .... I am too sleepy to completely review it but I will go over the part of the movie that just left me wanting for more ....


There is this moment ... near the end ... Jack is looking after his own hide and is getting away while the others essentially fight his battle against the Kraken .... Elizabeth has seen him leaving and Will has given her the task of shooting this riffle at this pile of explosives which will hurt the Kraken, long enough they hope, to escape .. right right, got that? Riiiight ... anyhow ... The riffle gets away from her and as she scrambles to get it Jack is back ... the way the camera pans up to his face and he is shadowed by the sun .. he looks, at that moment, larger than life .. like this Hero come to save the day ... it continues when he says nothing, picks up the Riffle and shots at the explosives .. essentially, saving the day for the moment ... It was just a GREAT moment for me ... Jack is purposely portrayed very ambiguosly and androgenously on purpose by Johnny Depp and I LOVE that about Jack .. we don't know if he's just drunk all the time or a bit gay lol ... However in that moment he was completely masculine ... it was just such a contrast and such a great moment ...

Ok, other than that, I really did like the movie ... I can't say that I liked it more than the first because the first was such a surprise .. I mean, I went into the first movie because Orlando Bloom was in it and in no way, shape or form did I think I would come away seeing what I saw and falling in love with Johnny's Captain Jack Sparrow ... So a lot of what I saw yesterday was what I expected to see, as far as character development and such ... Still it is the transion film ... the movie that continues the story and has the job of setting up what will eventually be resolved in movie #3 .... so I am UBBER excited .. can't wait!

Alrighty, that's it .. night night everyone ...

oh ... much luck to Tom Poti *snicker* who is now a N.Y. Islander *double snicker* I mean, ahem, GREAT Pick Up for them *triple snicker* ... ok, that's all for now ... LMAO!

layout, review, movies, hockey

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