I am laughing SO Hard right now!!! Snagged this from
cryice Ten Top Trivia Tips about Matty! - Donald Duck's middle name is Matty!
- The only Englishman to become Matty was Nicholas Breakspear, who was Matty from 1154 to 1159!
- The deepest part of Matty is over 35,000 feet deep.
- In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Matty!
- If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in Matty!
- Reindeer like to eat Matty.
- The colour of Matty is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.
- The ace of spades in a playing card deck symbolizes Matty.
- Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than Matty.
- 68 percent of all UFO sightings are by Matty.
I have to say that I just get a kick out of #3, #5, #7 and #9 LMAO!!!!
What am I doing today?
I had planned to go and finally see "Munich" today having decided that all other 4 wide releases today really don't deserve my money except maybe "Glory Road" which I might end up seeing anyhow because "Munich" is playing in a theater that's about 30 mins away as apposed to GR which is in a theater 7 minutes away .. sigh ... And I am not sure if I want to see a depressing movie by myself since Mom doesn't want to see it at this time ...
I rented some movies last night ... "Kronk's New Groove" which is the sequel to the hilarious "The Emperor's New Groove" but it focuses on the fabulous Kronk .. However I realized that part of what made Kronk great was his give and take with the character of Izma who was hilariously portrayed and drawn lol ... It is a cute sequel made for dvd so see it if you liked the first one ...
"Kung Fu Hustle"
luke2 had recommended this movie to me a while ago through our Netflix friends recs and I had forgotten about it .. but I say it and it is totally awesome ... Of course you have to like Kung Fu movies in order to "Get" this one because otherwise you will be going "WTF" throughout the whole thing ... But not only were the martial arts awesome I was also laughing out loud through many moments of it ... Excellent film .... it is subtitled but you know, when you make a foreign film I think it should be subtitled because it just makes it that much more authentic for me ... specially with these types of films where you are dealing a bit with some of the mysticism of the Chinese culture ...
"Unleashed" Now this film didn't get a lot of recognition from the public and such ... the premise is a man(Jet Li) who wears a dog collar and when it's removed he becomes this killing machine for his master .... But the story here is really well done and the way that it develops and comes full circle from the moment we meet him(Jet Li's character) to the end we have really taken a journey with him of self discovery as he finds out about his past and how he can change his future ... It isn't an academy award contender but you know what? There was thought put into this film and it was a really good movie, much better than some of the last few films that he has done as far as writing-wise is concerned ...
I also rented "March of the Penguins" and "Crash" but I haven't seen them yet ...
What else? Oh yes, my Rangers play today vs the Detroit Red Wings, here's hoping for another win, we have scored points in our last 7 games and have won our last 3 ... Once again at the halfway point of the season at the beginning of the month all the "Experts" that predicted that my team would be LAST out of all 30 teams were mouthing off about how their first half success was a fluke and that the Rangers were finally coming down to earth ... I will just be so happy and smug as my team continues to be successful .. this isn't the team of seasons past .. they actually WORK for everything that they earn .... and if things aren't going well during a game they fight back and find a win to win ... a few seasons ago the team would've given up but that was because they were not playing as a team and now they are which is making a world of difference .. So let them continue doubting and waiting for the team to go into a tailspin of consecutive loses and such ... I believe in them and they made a wonderful trade recently that is helping them were they needed it, in scoring, as they have been marvelous this year in the defensive end of things ... So YAY! I am one happy chica ...
Also, I enjoy watching the New England Patriots play on the football side of things but I will be the first to admit that while I will be disappointed if they lose tonight it won't really ruin my day or anything just because while I like football I don't love it as I do hockey .. So Go N.E. anyhow!