I got tagged by mikomi13 ...
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
1. Domestic Sales Rep. Delta Airlines
2. International Sales Rep. Delta Airlines
3. Retail Sales Counsultant. Cingular Wireless
4. Customer Service Rep. T-Mobile Wireless
Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. The Last of the Mohicans
2. Black Hawk Down
3. You've Got Mail
4. Gladiator
Four places you’ve lived:
1. Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.
2. Hialeah, FL
3. Hialeah Gardens, FL
4. Manhattan, NY
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Lost
3. Smallville
4. CSI : Original
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
1. Orlando, FL
2. New York City
3. Puerto Rico
4. Tampa, FL
Four websites you visit daily:
1. Magical Menagerie
2. Livejournal.Com
3. The Leaky Cauldron
4. ESPN.Com
Four of your favorite foods:
1. Pepperonni Pizza
2. Mashed Potatos
3. Green Grapes
4. Italian Subs
Four places you’d rather be:
1. Anywhere in the United Kingdom
2. New Zealand/Australia
3. Japan
4. New York City
Four albums you can’t live without:
1. My Mixed CD's
2. Gladiator Soundtrack
3. King Arthur Soundtrack
4. LOTR Trilogy Soundtrack
Alrighty ..
So what's up with me today? Not much, I was thinking of going to catch a movie but my Mother is sick(cold) so she wants me to wait and go tomorrow so that she can go ... Now what to see will be the toughie ... I think "Glory Road" will win out, but I also interested in "Last Holiday", "Hoodwinked" and "Tristan & Isolde" although the last has received very tepid reviews and from the previews I was worrying that it could be VERY corny indeed ... Alrighty, off to eat an Italian Sub, haven't done that in a while