Jobless soon

Aug 05, 2017 19:59

July 24 - MONDAY - I hate feeling awful and lying

I not happy with what is happening at work and feel bad I can't give my clients a heads up...
...Did see on MUNI how chatting with crazy people like they are sane people can calm them down.

July 25 - TUESDAY - Filling your own space

One my client's boyfriend left him... And I noticed with his boyfriend's stuff .... There was a lot of his personality in the space...We talked about him working on that...
... Did a lot of office work which BF of sorts said I work too much for free.

July 26 - WEDNESDAY - Crazy Day...

Wackiness with morning client and contractors and amount of help he needs..
Wackiness with client calling about missing quarters...
Data entry... And wackiness only small in office ... Today
... Surprise drink with sexy Satanist & burlesque queen...

July 27 - THURSDAY - Street Sheet

Another whacky home care day with Legs... Some office time then time with my favorite cousin and aunt ... Who it was great to see ... Who were fascinated by unisex bathrooms... And bought Street Sheet and talked the woman selling... Their compassion was high - love that...

July 28 - FRIDAY - Trauma Loop

I went to take of Mr. Fur and his ball of fur ... Wandered lost around TL .... Was lost it the office ... Did dinner and movie with educated poet... We shared writing and talked about trauma loops... and people's shit that gets in the way...


Finally told mom about work issues.. She was calm and helpful ... I have been so scared to talk about it... To admit and think about it... Did some zone out time...
... Punk Rock will never die but punk rockers do and they have memorials at Lennox Studio with pot luck, community, bands, & puppies...
...PPO may be going away but erotica and kinky love never dies...
... Had a freak out ... Trying hard to keep it together ...

July 30 - SUNDAY - HOT, COLD, & WARM

I went to Dore Alley Street Fair to volunteer and hang out a bit... And tried to contact and touch base with as many people as possible to keep mind off work stuff ... But had moment of panic and freezing up on stuff..
--- Hot - a bit of panic and anger about work stuff and stupid stuff
--- cold some fear and depression
--- Warm a wonderful sense of community at the street fair and with some friends and family

July 31 - MONDAY_ Still worried and confused...

That is all...

August 1 & 2 - TUESDAY & WEDNDESDAY - the end of one chapter ...

I'm sad and stressed, depressed, scared, deeply concerned about my clients... But also sort of excited about starting something new and have a small break from work... Not too long... I need to work and make money...

August 3 - THURSDAY - Drunken ideas

The next month will be a ride of confusion and I still worry about my clients ... But drunken ideas with my nephew and his girlfriend maybe good...

August 4- FRIDAY - I could kill someone

More breaking bad news, dinner with Gisella, whacky work email - a bit shady
.... Listened to great MurderGrass...

August 5 - SATURDAY - Trying to pull it together

Danced, lunch with JM, thrifted, housework & laundry, chatted with mom & Rain, and watched shark movie...
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