Restless stress

Jul 23, 2017 20:04

7/17/17 - MONDAY - I maybe sick

Saw a client, did office work, and chatted with biker lover... And admitted I may be sick.... Which is so hard for me to do... I hate being sick...
But the nurse at my work listen to my lungs and gave me some herbs to drink...

7/18/17 - TUESDAY - bitch spirit

I helped my book hoarder, delivered food & Ensure to a few people... Did some office work.... Chat with a friend about mean poet girl drama... It is better to have a bitch spirit then a bitch heart.... My friends have bitch spirits but good hearts...

7/19/17 - WEDNESDAY - Health Care is kitten

I went to help with my dementia client and his people - I like being part of people's lives and help them...helping sometime is just being kind and supportive....
Went to office and chatted with folks...
Felt sick with annoying cough and annoying attempts to change healthcare...

9/20/17 - THUESDAY - Don't make worry

My morning client was having level 8 back pain and decide we should move stuff... My afternoon client got his apartment manager did an amazing job getting his tub he couldn't use do to his hip - to a shower he can bath in - yet still has paranoid delusions that the apartment manager is trying to get him to move with strange annoying things - like weird sounds to keep him awake at night...
... Worried about not calling me back friends - biker busy with school and club - got back to me.... And other friend - let me know phone hacked...
... Nurse needs help saving alt church and Rain coming to clip cat toenails...

9/21/17 - FRIDAY - I like chat with my massage

I went get a massage today from the SF School of Massage, which good especially for a $35 massage ... I actually got spoiled at Osento and with Michael Solider ... Getting relaxing sauna and massage with great conversation and stories... I like hearing people's stories it makes me happy and relaxed...
... I watched a wonderful move on Quantum Energy Theory

9/22/17 - SATURDAY - I feel empowered and drunk

I did some thrift store shopping and got new vacuum and walked 7 blocks carrying it, put it together right, and got ready of the olds one...
Went to Carol Queens b-day party and had a walk down memory lane during the that time at Dada Fest when I was doing sound and I heard a weird buzzing in the headphone. I took off the headphones and found out the fire alarm was going off. One of the act shot blanks toward the ceiling. The fire alarm was going off and non one was leaving...

9/23/17 - Sunday - Did a radio show with a great band and trained an 10 year old and tried to reign in the restless stress....
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