stay calm

Aug 13, 2017 19:05

8/6/17 - SUNDAY - Sharknado

Tried to re -ground - rant on radio show, thrift with friend, Sharknado, and spell...

8/7/17 - MONDAY - It will be a whacky ride

I spent the day in the office doing data entry
- heard hopeful and confusing stuff about client transition and unsure of what I think stuff about job potential
- Got more and more work to do
- Not sure home care attendant will make it to end..
- worried deeply about a friend - sense something is terribly wrong with them ..
I cast spells

8/8/17 - TUESDAY - WTF

I can't believe all the little mistakes I made and others made and how they could hold up the care of sick people... The government is unforgiving nit picky bastards...
... And sink is leaking..

8/9/17 - WEDNESDAY - Like a Vacuum

I feel like my mornings client vacuum cleaner ... Motor burning out from cleaning up too much powder used to cover up bad smells ....
... What a hot mess...
... I think I may of landed a job interview ... With the weirdness of job situation not sure if this is bad or good...

8/10/17 - THURSDAY - CrazyWise

I went to see a crazy client and then did tons of data entry ... And saw great documentary on mental health and how we treat people with a one plan fits all healthcare plan...instead of truly listen to them and giving them individual wellness...

8/11/17 - FRIDAY - To step up or not to step up...

Three weeks left of work and so much to think about and do around work and life... My client want me to step up and fix stuff...

8/12/17 - SATURDAY - I caught up on the sun

I talked a bit with mom and danced and told dance class my woes and dyed hair..
Went to People's Picnic with Sister of PI and Bay Rider's party ... Got food, sun, and community...
Worked door at Writer's with Drinks ... Last two writers - the transgender - ex sex worker and dragon point of view story - spoke to me and people I know...

8/13/17 - SUNDAY - trying to keep grounded

Did radio show, got garbage disposal. Trying to focus...
.. Sad talk with client who just found out...
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