Mark Watches and a Quick Poll

May 29, 2012 01:20

ETA: Apologies to my typo in the spelling of Stormwreath :(  And one of the poll options should have had an option for "both!" so I apologize for my hasty on that as well.

So, apparently there's been a ton of additional thinky thoughts on Spike as of late due to Mark's latest "review" on "Crush."  I really had no intent to really read him, but kind of got suckered into it after every post he's made got copied/pasted into my emails by a yahoo group that I'm in.  Anyway, when he got to s5, I got even more intrigued, and wondered what a fresh pair of eyes might think of my fave character of all time.

Well, to put it simply, as my LJ bud SpikesJojo has said, "Mark watches, but doesn't see."

I'm inclined to agree.  And not just with Spike--I think he gets too caught up in his own ramblings to notice anything in depth anyway.  Spike's facial expressions alone add so much richness to the story and the scenes.  To wittle him down to just some "stalky the clown" is erroneous, wrong, and makes for one unfortunate viewer.

Maybe he'll catch up soon.  If not, I'm probably done watching Mark watch.

In other news, I'll be picking up my backwards re-watch this week, posting a Spike/Kendra piece I put away a year ago, hopefully picking up a William/Harmony piece, finishing up and posting part four to my comic remix, and pimping my novel in progress to drop this summer, Fangirl.  Or ya know, do that last bit now ;)  Like it if you dare!

A continuation of the Perv Poll. Unofficial Part Deux for the win!
Poll Random Sexy Fun Times Poll


big pimping, updates, random, poll

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