Day 1: Favorite Season:
Season 5, with a close following of s3. My favoritely favorite eps are in those seasons, and they are seasons I would watch all the way through without wanting to skip anything.
Day 2: Favorite Episode:
Fool For Love
Band Candy
Something Blue
Tabula Rasa
The Replacement...noticing a theme, here.
Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Whatever the song is in "Crush" when Spike and Dru are at the Bronze. I think it's by The Keys or Devics or...can't remember the name, but I liked it, and it fit perfectly with the scene.
Day 4: Favorite Female Character:
I''ll throw Faith in there too.
Day 5: Least Favorite Female Character:
Kennedy. Ugh.
Day 6: Favorite Male Character:
Spike. Not that that's a surprise....
I'll throw Xander in there too.
Day 7: Least Favorite Male Character
I suppose Riley. He just bored the crap out of me. Don't hate him--much too indifferent for that.
Day 8: Favorite Friendship:
Spike and Dawn. Felt very much cheated in s6...Oh, also Andrew and Spike in s7, in a bizarre way.
Day 9: Favorite Romance:
Xander and Cordelia (before it went sour, of course)
Day 10: Least Favorite Season:
Season 4. I actually stopped watching the series during this season cause I was so turned off by it. Granted, there were some great eps in that season, but overall, I felt "yawn."
Day 11: Least Favorite Romance:
Riley and Buffy, which ties into my answer up there. Also a big ol' "yawn" for me.
Day 12: Least Favorite Episode:
Dead Things
Doublemeat Palace
The Prom
The "I" in Team/Goodbye Iowa
I Was Made to Love You
Where the Wild Things Are
and probably As You Were on principle
Day 13: Favorite Potential Slayer:
There was supposed to be a favorite now? Cause I don't have one....
How's about Kendra for the potential to have been in more eps, or Dawn, where having her be a potential would have made sense.
Day 14: Favorite Female Villain:
When Willow went crazy/Dark!Willow, or...I want to say Darla and Dru, but honestly, I loved them more on Ats and not here. Ooh! Faith!
Day 15: Favorite Male Villain:
The Mayor
Mr. Trick
Day 16: Episode You Like That Everyone Else Hates:
I'm not sure anyone hates the eps that I love...
Day 17: Character You Relate To The Most:
Day 18: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time:
Kendra. And Ethan Rayne.
Day 19: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates:
Can't think of anyone.
Day 20: Best Spike-centric Episode:
"Fool for Love"
Intervention and of course... Lover's Walk
Day 21: Best Willow-centric Episode:
Day 22: Best Xander-centric Episode:
The Replacement
Day 23: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did:
I'm going to go ahead and say Spike and Buffy--that is of course, if we're talking "together" in the official and traditional sense.
Day 24: Favorite Example of 90s Special Effects:
the dusting of the vamps, I suppose
Day 25: Favorite Buffyverse Saying:
Didn't she threaten to rip out someone's rib cage and wear it as a hat?
ETA: Oh, any character in that case--
"Yeah, I could do that, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much."
Day 26: Favorite Scooby Moment:
Probably in "Choices" when they discuss whether or not to save Willow, and Oz throws that ceramic pot thingy.
Day 27: Cutest Moment:
This one makes me smile:
DONNY: Daaad. You -- you gonna let 'em just... Tara, if you don't get in that car, I swear by god I will beat you down.
XANDER: And I swear by your full and manly beard, you're gonna break something trying.
BETH: Well. I hope you'll all be happy hanging out with a disgusting demon.
ANYA: E-excuse me. What kind?
BETH: What?
ANYA: What kind of demon is she? There's a lot of different kinds. Some are very, very evil. And some have been considered to be useful members of society. (Smiles proudly)
BETH: Well, I-I ... what does it matter?
MR. MACLAY: Evil is evil.
ANYA: Well, let's just narrow it down.
SPIKE: Ohhh. Why don't I make this simple.
(Spike walks forward and taps Tara on the shoulder. When she turns, he punches her in the face. Both Tara and Spike reel backwards in pain. )
SPIKE: Oww!!
WILLOW: (angry) Hey! (realizing) Hey...
TARA: He hit my nose!
WILLOW: And it hurt! Uh, him, I mean.
BUFFY: (to Mr. Maclay) And that only works on humans.
SPIKE: There's no demon in there. That's just a family legend, am I right? Just a bit of spin to keep the ladies in line. Oh, you're a piece of work. I like you.
TARA: I'm not a demon.
WILLOW: (smiling) You're not a demon.
TARA: He hurt my nose.
SPIKE: Yeah, you're welcome. (Stalks off)
Random, slightly unrelated thought--some use "Intervention" as an indicator as to how Buffy's friends would react to the news of her seeing Spike. I think that a lot of folks have forgotten that Tara thought that Buffy was out of her mind in that ep--the sleeping with Spike thing, but her opinion of him clearly changed come s6. There are other reasons why that ep isn't a good indicator, but I just wanted to throw that out there.
Day 28: Character You Love To Hate:
See, I don't have "love to hate" characters. Now, there are characters who are designed to be antagonistic and therefore, should be hated, but one may love anyway...the long and short of that is that if I love a character, I love them, in spite of antagonistic qualities.
Day 29: Episode You Hate That Everyone Else Loves: idea.
Day 30: What You Think Made Buffy So Great:
The ensemble cast and chemistry, some great writing, and some great acting. Characters who folks can identify with gave the show it's fandom longevity, I think.
Perhaps I'll do Ats next...