30 Days of Buffy in One Post Meme

Jan 26, 2011 14:16

Day 1: Favorite Season:

Season 5, with a close following of s3.  My favoritely favorite eps are in those seasons, and they are seasons I would watch all the way through without wanting to skip anything.

This took a long time, readers... )

buffyverse, buffyverse characters

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Comments 7

musicbitch January 26 2011, 20:37:59 UTC
The song was "Key" by Devics, one of my favorites as well. I actually agree with most of this. Shocker, I know...lol! The rib cage line I believe is what Buffy said to Whistler, and they so used that line in a True Blood episode. I remember yelling out at the TV, thief! Something like that...lol!


ms_scarletibis January 26 2011, 20:59:53 UTC
Ah, knew it was something along those lines :P

And that is a shocker--lol! I'd actually be curious as to where we differed?

And yeah, that's...maybe they assumed cause the ep was so old, no one would remember. But plagiarism is bad, mmkay?


musicbitch January 26 2011, 21:21:52 UTC
Oh, they should realize just how devoted some Buffy fans still are. I haven't even seen that episode much and I still remember the line. They didn't use it exactly like that, but it was close enough. There have actually been a few Buffy references in the show, and it's obvious the writer of the books was a fan. She had Eric watch some Buffy tapes in the 4th one, which is pretty amusing to me...lol! Not sure if they will include that in the show or not, but with all the other references they've had, it could be a possibility.


teragramm January 26 2011, 23:51:50 UTC
Oh I love that scene from family.

I just did this meme and you are right it took a long time, but it is fun reading everyone's answers.


ms_scarletibis January 27 2011, 05:44:21 UTC
Yeah--that scene made that ep [for me] :D


beloved_77 January 27 2011, 04:16:16 UTC
Guessing you didn't have work today. :-P


ms_scarletibis January 27 2011, 05:45:10 UTC
Ha, I had half a day :P


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