The Immortal and "The Girl in Question"

Nov 11, 2010 12:52

So, last week, I took one of Gabs' polls, and the subject of the Immortal came up.  I was asked why I thought he was a vampire, and I said:

"It just seems most feasible. Vampires look the closest to humans of the demons that are shown from either series, and it's highly doubtful a being that old could be a half breed like Doyle. In addition to that ( Read more... )

angel, ats, spike, buffy, ats-5, poll

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ms_scarletibis November 12 2010, 03:19:44 UTC
Darla's line doesn't mean he wasn't a vampire, though--just that she considered William and Angelus ordinary compared to him. A woman can say that about one man to another, and it doesn't make him literally a titan or a god ;)

As for "she's never met the guy," well, that's comic canon, which had no bearings on the show when it aired :)

And no canonical bearings for me at all either way, but I know not everyone feels that way.

I thought 'The Girl In Question' was about how Spike and Angel ought to move on rather than showing they had moved on

The last lines in the show just how seriously their feelings for Buffy have become. She isn't something that either of them really want, and neither gave a thought about her for 95% of the season :)

SPIKE: Can't we just... lock her away in a box where no one can ever touch her? You know? Like we did with Pavayne?
ANGEL: (considers) I don't think she'd let us. Uh, she's pretty strong.
SPIKE: We could do a spell. Some sort of mind control.
ANGEL: Oh, she'd figure it out. You know, she's pretty smart.
SPIKE: Yeah.
(sighs, sits on the edge of the desk by Angel)
SPIKE: So, what? We just have to live with it? Get on with our lives?
ANGEL: 'Fraid so.
SPIKE: (sighs) Fine. No problem. I was plannin' on doin' that anyway.


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