The Immortal and "The Girl in Question"

Nov 11, 2010 12:52

So, last week, I took one of Gabs' polls, and the subject of the Immortal came up.  I was asked why I thought he was a vampire, and I said:

"It just seems most feasible. Vampires look the closest to humans of the demons that are shown from either series, and it's highly doubtful a being that old could be a half breed like Doyle. In addition to that ( Read more... )

angel, ats, spike, buffy, ats-5, poll

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menomegirl November 11 2010, 20:00:24 UTC
The Immortal was Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.


I am firm in this belief.


fenchurche November 11 2010, 20:24:01 UTC
I've always been rather fond of the idea that he's Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood.


lynnenne November 12 2010, 03:40:23 UTC
This. Best fanwank ever.


fenchurche November 12 2010, 04:16:57 UTC
There's actually a pretty good fanfic out there called "My Immortal" with that very premise by elisi (which is where I first encountered the idea).


Here via S_U Herald agnes_bean November 12 2010, 12:45:48 UTC
Yep! This is my favorite crossover theory. (Also, it legitimately makes me feel generally way more positive about Buffy's relationship with The Immortal. Because while, to me, it comes off as rather sketchy in TGIQ, if The Immortal is Jack... Well, Jack's awesome. And probably good for Buffy, especially since this is pre-CoE downward spiral of crazy).


Re: Here via S_U Herald ms_scarletibis November 12 2010, 18:27:16 UTC
Because while, to me, it comes off as rather sketchy in TGIQ,

Sketchy? How so?


Re: Here via S_U Herald agnes_bean November 13 2010, 02:28:24 UTC
Hmm... Sketchy isn't really the right word. I guess what was really going for is "unclear." Like, based on that episode alone, I really have no idea how I feel about Buffy's relationship with the Immortal, since all we get about him/the relationship is a bunch of unreliable POVs. Is it Buffy making stupid relationship decisions because of emotional turmoil? Has she really moved on with another dark but interesting figure? Is it not even her, a la the comics? I really don't have any idea, which kind of bothers me, just because I like Buffy and would like to know where she's at at that point.

But if I make The Immortal Jack in my head, it becomes much clearer, as a fun ad edifying relationship for both of them (without being too serious in a way that messes with my ship, as Jack is clearly still in love with the Doctor anyway). Also, it just amuses me because crossing over two of my favorite canons is always good :)


Re: Here via S_U Herald ms_scarletibis November 13 2010, 02:39:57 UTC

Well, not that I consider the comics canon anyway, but even if one does, in the context of the ep, for all intents and purposes, that was in fact Buffy. The predominant POV that we get is Angel and Spike's, but we see her out dancing, and having fun, and Andrew tells them (us) how most of the time, they just sit on the couch and cuddle and watch something on TV. Sounds fairly ordinary, you know? And to me, it said she had moved on, and learned some things along the way. To publicly date a vampire, presumably soulless literally, but from what we've seen and heard, not in action (he throws lavish parties, goes to night clubs, has an extensive following and lots of money, and isn't opposed to threesomes while chaining up the ladies' respective lovers, but it seems like he just enjoyed particularly messing with Spike and Angel's heads. I mean, tax evasion? :p). So yeah, in its own odd way, it felt like an ode to Spike. In my opinion of course ;)

And sorry if I repeated myself at all. Long day :/


ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 20:49:09 UTC
Um...who is that now?

<--is wickedly out of the loop :p


menomegirl November 11 2010, 21:25:51 UTC
Duncan MacLeod.

There can be only one.



ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 21:28:58 UTC

Though for some reason, I imagine the Immortal looked like the guy who played Richard on Lost. Well, a taller version...


menomegirl November 11 2010, 21:33:13 UTC
Were you thinking of Christopher Lambert? He played the character of Connor MacLeod in the "The Highlander" movies.


ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 21:37:35 UTC
I meant this guy here:

He just seems like an "Immortal" :p


menomegirl November 11 2010, 21:50:52 UTC
That link doesn't take me to a picture, sweetie.


ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 22:07:11 UTC
The picture on the profile, but here:

The actor Nestor Campbell :)


menomegirl November 11 2010, 22:15:14 UTC
Ah, now I could see that one. I don't think I've ever seen anything he's been in.

But he looks a little like Adrian Paul, who played Duncan MacLeod, so at least we had the same kind of type in mind.


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