The Immortal and "The Girl in Question"

Nov 11, 2010 12:52

So, last week, I took one of Gabs' polls, and the subject of the Immortal came up.  I was asked why I thought he was a vampire, and I said:

"It just seems most feasible. Vampires look the closest to humans of the demons that are shown from either series, and it's highly doubtful a being that old could be a half breed like Doyle. In addition to that ( Read more... )

angel, ats, spike, buffy, ats-5, poll

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ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 19:25:38 UTC
I think Buffy dating another dark and mysterious guy and getting all caught up in him immediately following her supposed cookie dough epiphany shows she still has a lot of growing up to do, but I think that's very, very IC for her.

I don't know if she immediately got caught up with him, but since it seemed like a real relationship, I thought it meant that she had grown up (which, in a way is OOC, but I liked it).

The ep I think is all about how Angel and Spike and Buffy have all moved on from the B/_ pairings. More importantly, it's about how Buffy at this point is relevant to their lives only as a point of contention.

I don't know--that seemed more on the surface to me as opposed to the heart of the matter, but I do agree how all respective parties have moved on. I also don't know about the "hopes Buffy can find him" bit, since Spike is his rock by that time. I think Buffy for Angel was a childhood memory, but that he didn't/wouldn't rely on her the way he would for Cordy or Spike. Well, not since he left Sunnydale and grew up, anyway :p

And word about Amy Acker.

Even though the Spangely bits are my fave part of the ep ;)


eleusis_walks November 11 2010, 19:32:28 UTC
I also don't know about the "hopes Buffy can find him" bit, since Spike is his rock by that time.

I... really don't get that from the text or even see it when I squint, particularly, but I know you ship them so I will just assume this is a difference of interpretation.


ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 20:47:47 UTC
Omg, LJ is moving so fucking slow...

I was looking over my past essays, and it appears I have yet to do one on how Angel was over Buffy, and how Spike had become his rock, but focused more upon how LA and Angel and his friends (eventually their friends) was better for Spike than Sunnydale and Buffy (all of which can be found in my "essays" tag).

But I do think that s5 was a love song to Spangel--particularly TGiQ, and after a rewatch, I will get back to you with textual evidence, and not my feelings based on clear preference :)


eleusis_walks November 11 2010, 20:52:52 UTC
That'd be interesting, because while I agree re: Spike's journey, in terms of Angel I think S5 is really all about the absence of Cordelia.


ms_scarletibis November 11 2010, 21:27:16 UTC
I think that the absence of Cordy is a big part of it--don't disagree there. But I also think the biggest part of it is more about Angel's self evaluation of where he's started, where he is, and who and what matters. Cordelia fits into that, but I don't think she encompasses the greater whole of that.

Anywho, I'll probably start that rewatch tomorrow. I've been planning to do one of the series for a long while, now, but I think I'll do a s5 one first.

<--loves your icon.


eleusis_walks November 11 2010, 21:35:21 UTC
Thank you! I made it the other day.


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