Angel Comics

Jul 29, 2010 01:16

Poking my head back in cause...well, I was depressed from a multitude of things in one ever loving shitty ass day, and LJ makes me happy.  Also, the 'verse is an awesome distraction (even though yes, I shouldn't be distracting myself, but trust when I say it was muchly needed).

So, I saw this on shipperx's LJ, and made a comment.  I'm just going to quote myself:

In regards to the Angel comics, there will be a...

...plot twist that  Spike lost his soul and didn't notice.

You know...this saddens me.  I will say that if the show had gone on to a s6, I would have liked to have seen this explored.  I actually predicted it (somewhere, and got hella flack for it), and it would have made sense with the storyline.  The Liz Taylor necklace was supposed to be used for "cleansing," and was meant for Angel.  If Angel had lost his soul, everyone and their mother would have noticed.  But Spike?  The implication that such a thing would have not made a difference in his actions in being a hero and champion--that would have been a hell of an arc, and a hell of a revelation for the show.  In the right hands, it's a brilliant idea, but as it stands...

*shakes head*

I've given up on both comic 'verses.  I expect nothing but a big, steaming pile of shit from them.

On a tangent, but still on the Angelverse--canon and not comics--I read something a few weeks ago something about Wesley in s4.  You know, that whole thing where he locks Justine in his closet.  Whatever it was I was reading described it as him torturing her.  Was it wrongful imprisonment?  Yes.  Was it cruel?  Yes (though to be quite frank, I found myself not caring very much considering she helped contribute to screwing Connor even more in the head and the whole killing her mentor thing, though yes, he asked for it, but any sane person could see it wasn't a sane request, and she did try to kill Wes...).  But torture?  Considering she was in some cave like place with a knife in the middle of her hand for a few hours, I don't think I'd call it that.

Anyway, I'd like to know what others think, and it's been a long while since I did one...


spike, wesley, angelverse, comics, poll

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