Spike and Angel's Sexuality

May 19, 2010 07:42

So, I got into a debate on another forum on whether or not Spike's bisexual.  The other poster said that he was deeply passionate for both men and women, and I insisted that Angel is singular, not plural, and that doesn't make Spike  bi, since that implies sexual attraction to some men, when I think that Spike's feelings for Angel surpass basic ( Read more... )

angel, spangel, spike, buffyverse, angelverse, poll

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Comments 42

dragonflylady77 May 19 2010, 13:00:34 UTC
Oh yes, Spike is straight, but when it comes to Angel... It's Angel, you know?

Spite and jealousy, he felt betrayed and brothers.



ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 21:15:04 UTC
I agree with all that cept the last one, lol :P



dragonflylady77 May 19 2010, 21:17:11 UTC
Well it was a toss up btw brothers and old marrieds... And since Spuffy is my OTP I went with brothers. ^_^


rahirah May 19 2010, 14:00:33 UTC
I don't think it's what you've done that counts so much as how you feel about what you've done. In theory, I think men and women are equally attractive sexually, which would make me bi. In practice, I've only ever had intense sexual/romantic relationships with women. Along those lines, I'd call both Spike and Angel basically straight, but willing to experiment.


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 21:18:52 UTC
This makes lots of sense to me. Lots of sense. *nods*

The "one time" was presented as an isolated incident with one individual--Angel--a notorious part of his unlife.

I just don't think I've explained that point very well, so thanks for your comment.


trepkos May 19 2010, 14:09:56 UTC
I wanted to check all three boxes for the last one.


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 21:19:29 UTC
I contemplated making ticky boxes an option for that last one, but then I thought that'd be too easy :p


thevera May 19 2010, 17:18:57 UTC
The other poster seems so hung up on the fact that Spike once hooked up with a man, like it makes him automatically bisexual. It doesn't. While human (I should say "human" in this case) sexuality is terribly complex, our society wants us to put a simple label on it, giving us tree simple choices. Hell, some people even claim that bisexuality doesn't exist. Pff, not only I think it exist, I also believe in pansexuality. Gender identity? Also terribly complex.

I liked how it was captured in Chasing Amy: after a romantic relationship with a man, she still identified as a lesbian. (Although I almost want to say that straight man shouldn't watch it 'cause they still don't get to screw 99 % of lesbian population how some of them obviously think.) Same goes for Spike or Angel. They had sex with a man, it's possible they liked it... but it still doesn't make them less straight ( ... )


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 21:21:57 UTC
I haven't seen Chasing Amy, but I've heard good things.

I think that more suitable than the plain gay-bi-straight spectrum is the Kinsey scale. I give Spike and Angel a rating of 1 (predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual).

That's a great way of looking at it. And please--babble away! No rules here ;)

Also, LOVE that icon!


menomegirl May 19 2010, 18:13:24 UTC
In "School Hard," Spike looks (blank) after punching Angel in the face, realizing he still had a soul.

I'm not sure when Spike was told Angel had a soul. I'm not sure if he even knew it in "School Hard".


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 20:57:30 UTC
In "Darla," it, well rather, I assumed that since Darla knew, and told Dru and Spike to massacre all the gypsies, that they knew what happened to Angel. And then he was gone--two years--until the Boxer Rebellion. I don't see how he wouldn't have known...


menomegirl May 19 2010, 21:05:54 UTC
To the best of my memory, we are never shown when Spike is made aware that Angel was cursed by the gypsies. I don't believe Darla had told either Drusilla or him when they attacked the gypsy camp.


ms_scarletibis May 19 2010, 21:14:16 UTC
But it's logical to assume that they did. Also the fact that apparently, some demons or other worldly beings can sense souls? Darla mentions this during the Boxer Rebellion. Also, during the Gypsy massacre, Drusilla notes that Angelus has "gone away." Could be literal, figuratively or both--can't really tell with her. But they'd have to have noticed he was MIA for two years. At the very least, why wouldn't Darla explain to them why?


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