Fic: Inseparable Chapter 3

Mar 25, 2008 10:59

Chapter Setting: The TARDIS; London, England, Earth;  Late April, 2010.

They didn’t sleep that night. There was too much to explain and tell on Rose’s behalf, and too many unanswered questions for the Doctor. The pair of them were too excited at finally being reunited to sleep at any rate. Rose bounced around happily as she chattered on about her new baby brother, Jamie, and how her dad had been when he was born.

“You should have seen his face. It was like he’d seen a ghost!” Rose stopped abruptly and changed the subject to her mother’s latest hobby.

“She’s taken up a cooking class at the local city center. Now instead of normal bad food, it’s gourmet bad food.” They both laughed at this. Eventually near dawn, Rose had asked about the TARDIS.

“Have you done something to her? She’s somehow different.” This puzzled the Doctor, or at least, he appeared to be puzzled.

“I don’t know what you mean? How can she seem different?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a feeling. Maybe it’s because I’ve been away for so long.” Then she shrugged. Rose hopped to her feet a few minutes later.

“Are we going somewhere or is there a reason that you’re sitting in the center of London?”

The Doctor’s sprang to his feet as well, an idea brightening his eyes with the light of adventure.

“I have the perfect place. How’d you like to visit an old friend?”


When the TARDIS touched down, Rose ran around the console to the monitor. The city was alive with the bustle and toil of the busy afternoon. They had stopped for lunch at a quaint little café in Newport, where Rose had nostalgically ordered the chips, before coming here. Now, watching Cardiff on the screen, Rose had another wave of remembrance. The last time they’d stopped off in Cardiff, it had been before the Doctor’s regeneration, and Mickey had come down from London to pay her a visit and drop off her passport. He’d also been thrown off by Jack’s presence on the TARDIS.

“You sure he’s here? I mean, I know you called him before we left London, but even so, this is Jack. He’s a rambling man.” Her last two words had been in a badly accented American voice. The Doctor laughed at Rose’s attempt to imitate the Captain. She smiled to hear him laugh like that. There was so much that was still unsaid between them, but for now she was content to allow them these precious carefree moments.

“Right, Cardiff was a lot colder last time we were here so I’m off to change clothes.”

Something dark twinkled in the Doctor’s warm brown gaze for a second after her announcement. She winked up at him as she walked past him. Rose couldn’t be sure, but it almost felt like he’d brushed her arm and she went by.


The woman stood off to one side of the large water fountain. She fidgeted nervously with the pendant she wore around her neck. It was warm to the touch and she smiled. That meant it was getting close. Excitement and eager anticipation flooded her system.

Any minute now, she thought humming to herself. The key shaped object in her hand began to hum along, and a cool breeze swept through the area. That’s when she heard it, the roaring of engines close by.

She turned. A large object was materializing in front of her. Happiness became her primary emotion. This was what she’d been waiting for. They would be together again. As soon as the thing became solid, the woman approached. She held her breath and opened the door…

Chapter 4

Chapter Directory

doctor who/torchwood cross-over, inseparable, doctor/rose, my perfect whoniverse, novel, fan fiction

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