Fic: A Rose By Any Other Name (One-shot)

Mar 25, 2008 13:57

Rating: F (for Fluffy)
Genre: Cheesy!Romance, Fluffy!Crack-fic
Character(s): Rose Tyler, The Tenth Doctor
Length: Quickie (426 Words)

Spoilers: None (Unless you don’t know about the Doctor’s nickname, in which case I apologize in advance.)

Summary: Rose has no nickname, and so the Doctor decides to help her pick one.

A/N: This is the result of craziness. I promise that I am not dangerous, just a bit ridiculous at times. Pure and utter crack-fic, but of the fluffy variety.

“You don’t have a nickname, do you?”

Rose looked up from the magazine she’d been reading. The Doctor had broken the companionable silence between them with his strange question.


“A nickname, you don’t have one.” The Doctor repeated.

“My name is Rose, it’s short to begin with, why would I need a nickname?” She wanted to know. The Doctor shrugged, and fiddled with a few wires under the console. He was ‘updating’ the TARDIS, and she’d been sitting there, keeping him company while he worked.

“I don’t know, I just thought… I mean, I’ve got the Oncoming Storm. You could have a cool nickname too.”

“Like what?” Rose was curious to see what he would come up with. He seemed to have been eagerly waiting for her to ask this, because he immediately sat up and tipped his head to one side, as if considering her.

“I like Snuggles.” He told her, face void of any humour. Rose gave him an incredulous look.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Why would anyone call me Snuggles?”

“Well, you like to snuggle up on that seat with your magazines, or your music. I thought it was befitting.”

“A straight-jacket would be befitting for you. You’re mad if you think I’m going to respond to Snuggles!”

“What about Cozy-kins?” He asked, “Because you look so cozy sitting there.”

“No, Doctor.”

"But then I could call you my little Rosie Cozy-kiens!"

"NO, Doctor." She repeated forcefully.

“Hmmm,” He seemed to contemplate for another moment, then smiled. “I’ve got it!”

Rose sighed, sorry now that she’d allowed this conversation to begin, much less continue.

“Go on then.” She waved a hand at him in a resigned fashion.

“Mi cara.” His quiet tone drew her head around. Unsure she really wanted the answer, Rose hesitated before asking,

“And what does that mean?”

“It’s Italian.” He told her matter-of-factly. “Italian for… my heart.” Rose felt her heart skip a beat, and then she smiled back at him.

She was up off the chair in an instant and sitting in his lap on the floor in the next. He hugged her tightly, and she grinned into his shoulder.

“I think I could handle that one.” She murmured, and he brushed an airy kiss in her hair.

“But you know…” he began and then trailed off. Rose pulled back to look him in the eye.


“You just proved my point.” He seemed too happy about this. Rose frowned.

"What point would that be?”

“You really are my Snuggles.”

His laughter echoed through the halls of the TARDIS as he ran for cover, Rose hot on his heels.

drabble, doctor who, doctor/rose, fan fiction

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