SPN 712,13, 714

Feb 11, 2012 15:13

oooh it's a bad fan period when you don't watch the last three eps of SPN until today, i've literally never done that in it's whole 7 seasons even whilst travelling but I am LOVING some of it.

Time travel episode, meh, it was ok, I certainly wasn't hugely into it but Dean looked good in his old school clothing and it was nice to see Sheriff Mills and Sam interact. Also cute that Dean carved Sam's name into the wood and he immediately saw it and got the letter, cuuuuuute. Thought it was kind of sad when Sheriff Mills was all 'do I have to pull the mom voice on you?' And I just thought about how Sam really wouldn't know what that voice was.

714 this was one I was really squicked about on reading spoilers, I did NOT want to see Dean have a baby and then have it die or be evil I really had my doubts it was something they'd tackle well but you know what they did. I really liked it for the most part. LOVE,LOVE,LOOOOOOOVED Sam just ribbing Dean for most of the episode, 'oh how sweet, she gave you her number' and his 'nice talk' it was just SO adorable to see him being the irritating little brother. When he was all 'George Foreman called all his children George' and Dean's 'are you deliberately messing with me?' Was just ridiculous levels of awesome. And I felt for Dean but I understood his quandry and I also loved the end where Sam basically begged Dean not to go kamakaze and go die on him. Bless them.

715 was also hysterical. I laughed a lot and that's a huge rarity for me on SPN usually as I'm sure it is for all us in fandom, other than the occasional crack episode i'm not usually pissing myself throughout but this one was just great. Sam's bad cop routine had me in hysterics. He was just so rubbish at being bad. His delivery of 'quiet!' really had me rolling. And the old clown fear revisited was awesome. My favourite moment was definitely the end when Sam brought Dean the slinky and he was SO damned happy to see Dean laughing again. It was so lovely seeing them enjoying themselves again for once. And Dean making Sam repeat 'ball washer' over and over and over was just priceless. Sad mental image of little Colin Ford Sammy sitting alone at Pluckys while Dean picked up girls but I did like the fact that the woman described it as a place for 'lazy parents' once again Dean's parenting Sam, even that young. It's such canon and so right even with its wrongness. He's SO Sam's co-parent and I really love that. Sam repeating Dean's reassurances 'if it bleeds you can kill it' over and over just re-affirmed that. Love the little inside comments 'alright don't have one of your episodes' haha what episodes does Sam have?


The promo, ahhhhhhhhhhh, I am SO ready for this arc to begin but also terrified they always make it light for such a short moment that we're all happy and then BAM the epic angst waterfall is upon us for the remainder of the season. My only complaint is I wish we'd had a few episodes of happy before the angst deluge but I am also a masochist so BRING it.

So excited to see MP back torturing JP. Oh BRING IT SHOW!!!!!!
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