SPN 708

Nov 15, 2011 01:29

My 708 thoughts...

Was not keen on ep 708 it hit a lot of my embarrassment squicks, however I definitely loved...

Sam as Sammy in Dean's phone and Dean in Sam's in a previous ep as 'D'. I kind of love that. Also loved someone calling Sam, Dean's 'baby bro', and Dean calling Sam 'kid' and at the same time trying to accept he's an 'adult'. I also loved Sam's 'awww you made a friend' and how amused he was when Garth was cuddling Dean. Brill. I loved Sam and Dean smiling together and joking at the end. So yes, that was all my likes right there. The rest not at all great. I don't like where they are going with this uncomfortable Dean feeling like he has nothing outside of Sam and his quest for finding himself, nor am I happy to see Sam as capable and independent when he's just spent 100 years in hell. It's like they've just glossed over it. And god damn it, i'm sure it's not just me, but don't we LOVE them broken and dependent on one another. I don't WANT them emotionally healthy, I want them messed up and clinging to one another in that 'erotic codependent' way that was described in the past on show.I need that. The day Sam and Dean are functional and healthy and independent and angst free is the day I turn off show I feel.

All in all. I was squicked out by the ep. And it felt like a waste of an episode. Things I'm hoping for now...I want a Sam telling Dean how much he genuinely does still need his big brother and how much he'll always need him coming up real soon and I want Dean to stop wallowing, I want to see them enjoying the hunt and each others company again. Having a laugh together, but mostly I want to see them choosing to be together rather than they're kind of there out of obligation, because either could walk away and be capable on their own but we know they haven't because they love one another and genuinely enjoy being with their brother. So please show that again show. I want the love of ep 100 when Sam stood before Dean all 'I have faith in you...cos you're still my big brother', I want the Sam who was all 'i know you better than anyone else in the world...and I want my brother back cause, just cause...' and I want Dean to be all happy cos Sam does need him and more than that WANTS him by his side. I feel sometimes the writers kind of make Sam this hardass and have him constantly traipsing over Dean's poor feelings and it would be so freaking simple for him just to be like 'no Dean i don't want you to stop looking out for me, you're my big bro and I kind of love that about you.'

Basically I've enjoyed Season 7 a lot so far, this episode not so much but i am wondering where they are going with this season's over-riding story, they seem confused and non linear on their arc this year. Still a lot more interesting than last season for me though.

episode reaction

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