Oct 10, 2011 00:15

I have no idea how to process because I genuinely can't work out if i agree on some level with what Dean did or think he's a big old tool for telling Sam to trust him then knifing Amy. Hmmmm. It was interesting because I was away this weekend staying at my buddy's place, she is the Dean girl to my Sam and she was really cross with Dean while I was kind of 'well i do kind of get where he's coming from a bit'. I think that the frustrating thing for me with Dean is the black and white approach, they KNOW in their lives how that line can be blurred, how many creatures are not necessarily monsters. Hell Sam himself back on demon blood could have been considered and WAS described by Dean himself as 'if i didn't know you i'd want to hunt you.' He was essentially the same as a creature they hunt to Dean, only difference is he's SAM and Dean would die before he touched a hair on Sam's head. That makes all this turn in Dean very interesting indeed. I have to say that I love when this show takes risks and pulls a move that i thought they might but that i also suspected they wouldn't have the guts to go through with but they did. Nice to see Dean on the moral compass edge for a change.

Also Sam falling for monsters pretty much all his life is classic, just classic. He really didn't ever have a chance at being normal ever did he? And i really like that he pretty much said that this episode.

I liked this episode a lot. Jensen did a good job with the directing. Colin Ford was phenomenal as ever, he really brings life to teen Sam, and has him as perfect and emo and fierce as I imagine him to be, Jared and he make Sam so my favorite there aren't even words. Sam really is back on steady footing in terms of who he is, even as his mental state flounders his compass of what makes Sam Sam is still well and truly there. Dean meanwhile is kind of off the reservation. I am enjoying that a whole lot. Also enjoying the brotherliness, and the Leviathins closing the net on the boys and hunting them down like some mafia. I LOVE that storyline, it makes it feel like things are REALLY closing in on them and i am really loving the excitement to this season.

I just generally loved this ep too. Loved baby Sam, loved massively morally questionable head rules heart Dean, loved trusting, awkward, heart rules head Sam. Loved the world closing in on our boys. Basically i loved a lot of it. And is Sam going to find out that Dean killed Amy? And is it a good thing because she may have killed again? Or is it a horrendous thing that he killed someone Sam cared about in front of her child, showed little remorse and went out of his way to deceive his brother about it? Oh they questions...i have many. But i do LOVE that I have questions and it's making me very very thinky about show again.

I do think sometimes we need a reality check to be all WHAM the Winchesters can be bloody cold, and Dean showed that this ep. But i don't know if it was wrong or right and I enjoy that. Ah Sam he's going to be really hurt to learn Dean doesn't trust him on that. It's all going to hit the fan and i am loving it SO freaking MUCH. Season 7 owns me right now. 3 for 3.

s7, sam and dean = hate, uh oh dean, sam and dean = love, winchesters pwn all

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