"Aw he wants to hold your wittle hand" aka FUCK YEAH

Oct 02, 2011 22:13

OMFG GUYYYYYYYYYYYS!!! THAT WAS THE BEST EPISODE IN FOREVER. From start to finish i was hooked, seriously. Case was interesting, the Leviathans were interesting but by far the best thing, the relationships between our boys just IMPECCABLE.

WE HAD CONTINUITY!!!! OMFG CONTINUITY with Dr Sexy, Martin, Sheriff Mills, I mean guys we NEVER get continuity, i mean my god, all we need is the amulet and the voicemail exploration and that'd be the best thing in the universe. We had multiple protective Dean which I think you all know is my favourite thing, just my favourite thing about Dean, and we just didn't have enough last week but this week...OMFG, he woke his brother up, and he grounded him, and he worried, and he held his widdle hand and he pulled him back from the edge of insanity. Oh god guys. "I'm your flesh and blood brother, i'm the only one who can legitimately kick your ass in real time, you got away, we got you out Sammy. Believe in that, believe me, you gotta believe me, you gotta make it stone number one and build on that'. - UM i think EWJDEJWDWDJLDW;DWDW[DKOWODK was my reaction. It was such amazingly well acted, beautiful, achy h/c. I was a puddle of goo. Then we got ACTUAL LEGIT AMBULANCE SCENE. A FREAKING AMBULANCE SCENE YOU GUYS, WITH BOTH OF THEM IN AN AMBULANCE AND SAM BLEEDING AND SEIZING WITH INTER-CRANIAL PRESSURE, AND DEAN BROKEN AND DEALING ALONE AGAIN SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. AND THEY'RE TAKING THEM TO SIOUX FALLS, OMFG, JUST THE BEAUTY OF THE CONTINUITY AND THE WAY THIS ONE ALL CAME TOGETHER. IT WAS MAJESTIC, IT WAS EPIC, IT WAS SO EXCITING. I feel like I've legit been waiting four seasons for this feel from an episode again. And it was just resplendent.

Sam, sam, cuckoo's nest, 5150d, messed up kid. Jared is knocking it OUT as crazed on the edge Sam, his little nod when Dean was all 'are you seeing him right now' and his sad, confused, terrified little face when Lucifer was suggesting he shoot himself...and Mark FREAKING PELLEGRINO was the biggest surprise for me in the season premiere and he has been the BEST way to make Sam crazy, him just following him around ALL season is just amazing. SO genius.

I am just in total love with this episode I want to roll around in it forever and ever and ever. I mean it just shows that it can be done, this show can rival the levels of seasons 1 and 2 again for me. Also the Leviathans are creepy interesting baddies, the boys no longer have a magic wand in the form of Castiel to make them better, so dying is back to a very real problem, they're running out of all their allies, all their options and even their injuries are back to hurting them. I LOVE it, it makes it feel so much more claustraphobic and dangerous and high octane and everything i've wanted for many seasons now. I just hope they continue with this pace. Seriously can not say enough about how much I loved that.

Also loved Sam being very much the baby brother in this, needing Dean and his sulky face when Lucifer's all 'awww he wants to hold your wittle hand' like 'so WHAT, i need my brother to hold my hand right now so shut up'. I am seriously concerned for Sam though I think the end of the season could see him in an insane asylum, i just don't get how that goes away ever. It's such an INTERESTING story. I am really, really enjoying it. And I don't know what the Deangirls on my flist think but i adore what they're doing with him too. He's taking on everything, he has it all on his shoulders and he's struggling and he's shelving everything and he's beginning to crack in his own Dean way, reaching for the bottle and struggling, and I love that portrayal too. They're just keeping it rounded and interesting and bleak and old season like and WHEEEEEEEEEE. Have not been this exicted about show in forever and it's a brill feeling to have, i've seriously been in a thrilled mood all weekend, i really need to be a little less invested haha.

Guys i LOVED it. I want to send Edlund [who i have to say i'm not usually a big fan of] and Bee and Gamble and everyone a fruit basket.

In conclusion this....OH MY GOD THIS...

sam motherfucking winchester ladies, s7, sam and dean = love, winchesters pwn all, william and kate

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