so, as are a couple of pics of the cosplay outfit i made for Otakon...but, well, you know the story.
I opted to create the cosplay based off Sorachi-sensei's coloured manga volume cover. In the anime, Otae wears the same kimono, but in the manga, she has a few different ones (all really pretty too)
manga cover:
okay, so that above is OBVIOUSLYL the manga volume cover. uh-doi!
so that is my, i did not do the Happi, because, at the time of making it....i thought it would be too damn hot to wear down in baltimore. Ihad a back picture, but it did not come out, and i am too lazy to dig the kimono out form my storage to take one photo. sorry.
i have to fix the arms. I CLOSED the gap between the arm hole and arm...and, when i looked at my real kimono. i realised they leave it open, which explains why it would hang better and give better movement.
anyhoo...i think next year, i am going to add to this either Katsura, Katsura in drag, or Kagura. cuz i love her. heh. tho' Otae is my fave female. ^___^
so..whaddaythink. took me a couple hours to make it. kimonos are soo eaasy to do. i only wish my other designs would be this quick. ANd, that time includes the hand painting of the flowers. not too shabby.