okay...so have not put up a post in a WHILE
I have literally quite alot to catch up on. . .
first, posts that must be attended to:
1. Tiger & Dragon....you have to watch this one. have to . have to......have to. BRILLIANT.
2. The Matsu Jun special i promised to upload for
3. The links and shout to for the Music video i am producing
4. pics of the Otae cosplay outfit i never wore. *sighs*
5. jdorama files for people to upload
6. House of Flying Daggers. & The god that is Takeshi Kaneshiro..
CAn you say lakesize drool of Takeshi Kaneshiro. Someone that beautiful is seriously wrong. wrong i tell ya. and at the same time, sad. sad, because my chances of baggin that beautious bishie is just seriously beyond 3rd dimensional logic. aka: only in my dreams. ;p
ON other side notes: I did get to meet Matt Dillon last friday night. So, that was my reason for being late to the whole Baltimore thing. I really did blow in and out of Otakon pretty quickly. And, i think i spent more of my time "saturating" and killing my liver than at the actual con
If it were not for
chibi_tenshi24 being my official guide and babysitter (seriously. i need to be watched. as those who experienced me there will know what i mean). it was nice to meet new people and finally see everyone in person. And, it helped me come out of my "otaku closet" somewhat. tho...must admit...when friends asked me what i did on my holiday...the "convenient" answer was : oh went to baltimore to meet some friends and the jersey shore with family.
the real story was more like: yeah, i got to hang with otaku-comrade-in-arms while cesspoolin my blood in alcohol.
anyhoo, i have a quick request for pal-o-mines out there, regarding uploading: do you want me to put up the files to share? I know alot of the series are up on the jdrama community here in LJ. but, i am more than happy to just upload the ones i, personally reccomend and enjoy.
I am going to use a different filesplitting program, seeing that i can also put up Teru Teru Ashita to the Jdrama comm. I cannot believe it's not up there already..not to mention Iryu. which, i am really upse that i disposed of each episode, after watching it. I think i am going to have to bittorrent the whole thing again.
right. so, that's it from the front lines.
oh, and if i had pics of that night i met matt dillon...i would put them up. Sadly, at industry events..one does not want to look like the "rabid" fangurl lurking amongst the industry sect. Yet, turns out, that night there were alot of those lurking fans that came out and swarmed the poor guy. he ended up leaving. *sighs* but, it was cool that he hung out all of a total 15minutes. My friend Yukiko and I were innerwardly squeeing the whole time. She espess was thrilled when she got Matt to sign the book, that the movie is based on. I highly reccomend seeing it. called "Factotum". Support Indie Filmmaking!
okay ..... bak to the studio to start decorating projects that have festered in my space for weeks. ugh.. PROCRASTINATION!