It is a good idea to check the calendar each night. This means you don’t send your child off to school dressed in uniform when they are supposed to be dressed as a book character.
Mr T dropped the Tubblet off at school and then came back later with the Tubblet’s Disney Princess Belle Dress. (Thank you Lord, for dressing up clothes). We weren’t the only parents who forgot … But we both felt Really Bad. During the Tubblet’s first term at school, I have also completely failed to buy various items offered by the PTA or make / buy cakes … Or return items on this or that … Or fill in forms … And she has homework most nights - only letters and sounds - but it all adds up. It’s not that I’m particularly disorganised, it’s just that we both work full time and there’s a lot to keep track of. (And that’s my story and I’m sticking to it). Organisation is my New Word to Live By. Or look up.
As an aside of some kind ... Parenting is great fun, but comes with a huge side order of guilt. And there's a whole industry designed to encourage those feelings. In today's newspapers, there are
articles about a
study that concluded away facing buggies make your baby more stressed and anxious. This could have long term side effects. A forward facing buggy is better because it is less stressful for the baby and creates more opportunities for interaction with the person pushing it.
We had a
MacLaren - the Sherpa Tank of buggies. It cost about £100 with all the bits and is still in really good condition considering the amount of usage it got over four years. [ETA: And the Tubblet loved it]. The forward facing buggies cost £200+ and, according to consumer tests, aren't so robust. But my choice of buggy has Harmed My Child's Long Term Emotional Development. I Am A Bad Parent. QED.