Um...I wrote something? Quickly and with very little skill...

Mar 08, 2009 20:55

Okay, so I did the whole, put the ipod on shuffle thing and then write something by the time the song ends. There are supposed to be ten, but I've got too much stuff to do right now (Very bad stress right now.) to bother with a whole ten. I did cheat in that I rearranged the songs so that this resembled a story more than just five random drabbles.

Title: Fragile Trust
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gillington
(Author's note: At least I managed to write something. I don't think I could ever get to the point of publishing. I just don't have the drive.)

Out of Place

In the month between rejecting his lover and the divine justice of being rejected by the Governor's daughter for a blacksmith, James Norrington never felt more alone and without hope of remedy. Most people attributed it to the rather abrupt termination of his engagement, and James was happy to let thim think so, but the truth was far more shameful.

He missed his lover. He'd made complete bollocks of their situation, rejected the love of the best man he'd  ever known, and now he was left with a house full of memories that he could see but never touch.

James tried to remind himself that it wasn't as if Andrew was dead, but the stupidest things could set him beside himself. The amount of times he had to blame dust on his moist eyes was embarassing.

And every time he was reminded he might have lost his chance.

What's Good For Me

Andrew hadn't spoken to him outside the bounds of duty since the night he declared he was to propose to Elizabeth and more importantly, their intimate acquaintance could not continue.
Perhaps he'd hoped he could have both, respectability and passion. Perhaps he hoped that Elizabeth could give him both and that he wouldn't put either himself or his lover in danger anymore.

He thought it noble at the time when all he was was afraid.

He was a selfish bastard and knew it. No amount of cloaking this in decency and heroism could help it. He'd sacrificed his honor, his morals, and his love for the chance at a sham of respectibility.

And what was he left with? No fiancee, no lover, and very possible ruin.

He told himself he deserved it, that no one could love a man like himself, but that didn't stop him from standing just outside the open door to Andrew's rooms, staring into the pain filled eyes of a man he desperately needed back in his heart again.

Rescue Me

Andrew turned his back on James, needing to collect his thoughts without having to look into eyes that he often thought he could drown in.

"Why should I even consider letting to you anywhere near my heart again, sir? You could just as easily turn from me again at the first opportunity of propriety over recklessness. Can't you see that I can't do that again? One minute it was all, 'I love you, Andrew, don't ever let me go.' and the other it was, "So sorry, decided to do the wife and family thing..."

James couldn't remain silent. He knew this was the moment that could separate them forever if he wasn't careful. He had to say the right thing, the proper thing, the-

...the thing his heart was shouting to his brain, if only he would listen.

"Because I need you to save me from myself, and I can't...I can't have you hate me, no matter how much I deserve it. Let me back in, Andrew. Please, Andrew, please."

All I Ask of You

Andrew led James slowly to the bedroom, his brown eyes never leaving his lover even as he walked backwards down the long hall to his bedchamber.

James felt his heart pounding in a relentless rhythm as Andrew stopped their progress just as they reached the bed.

Andrew took a deep breath, gathering his wits. "I think I've been clear on my conditions for letting you into my bed again...I don't ask that you shout it from the rooftops. I've enough sense to realize that's impossible, but I do ask..."

He stopped for a moment, swallowing back emotion. "I do ask that at the end of the day, I'm besides you, at the end of night, I'm asleep by you, and that you will never, never treat my heart so callously again."

James couldn't help but frame Andrew's face with his hands. "I can't begin to understand how you'll trust me when I say this, but I do swear with all that I am, that I shall never be such an idiot again."

Andrew smiled weakly and laughed. "Let's not make promises we can't keep dearest."

Save the Last Dance for Me

Andrew gingerly placed his wig on the stand as he undressed. "You didn't look as nearly as uncomfortable tonight as you usually do. Should I be worried?"

James began to smile as if he'd won a prize. It had taken a year of earning back trust and affection, but if Andrew could now jest about it, they might just have a chance.

"Not at all," he replied, his eyes warming with affection, "I've merely figured out the way to get through such things."

"And that is?"

James came closer to Andrew, pulling his body slowly to his own.

"No matter how horrible the ball is, I get to come home with you."


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