(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 23:18

Title: The Consequences of Promotion
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen, Implied Future Gillington
Prompt: Commdore Norrington and His Wig

Having left his measurements with the tailor in regards to his new uniform, James Norrington made his way to the next place of business on his list, the wigmaker. Seeing the simple sign above a door just a few steps away, James turned-


He was taken aback for a moment as a whirlwind of blue and cream rammed straight into him.

"Pardon, sir," the lad, a gangly Midshipman consisting almost entirely of red hair, slightly chubby cheeks, and freckles, said, "I'm just late to fetch Lt. Anderson's wig and he'll be in a right piss if I don't get it in time."

"Yes, well-" James stopped, trying to adopt the right tone, "You might wish to be more careful if the wig is to remain in one piece, Mr...?"

The younger man stood at attention. "Gillette, sir, of the Reliant."

James smiled. Was he ever that young? Most of the men he served with tended to think he'd come from the womb as a twenty year old with the soul of a man who was forty. He bowed and extended his hand towards the shop. "Lt. Norrington of the Minerva, pleased to make your rather violent acquaintance. In light of that I believe I'll let you go first. Wouldn't want your Lieutenant to get angry."

Andrew snorted. "Not my Lieutenant, sir. Mr. Anderson just believes that the Mids are his to command, and between you and me sir," his voice lowered, "He says he shaved his head because he's getting a custom fitted wig, but I think it's really because he's going bald."

James felt his lips twitch again, but felt any hint of amusement would only encourage the lad more in his disrespect. "How unfortunate."

They entered the shop together, the bell placed above the door tinkling pleasingly to alert the shopkeeper of their presence. Not a second passed before a woman came through the back, wiping her hands of powder onto her apron as she came forward.

"How may I be helpin' you dashing naval gents?" she asked with a smile, "Are you here for a shave or a wig?"

"I'd like to see any wigs you may have for sale and," James gestured towards the Midshipman at his side, "This gentleman is here to pick up an order for Lieutenant Anderson."

The lady nodded. "Ah yes, we have that right here."

She turned and picked up a wig from the shelf behind her. "Finest human hair we had in stock," she commented proudly before looking to James and inquiring, "Would you be interested in something similar sir?"

Having just been promoted from Midshipman to Lieutenant, and with his first examination no less, there was a whole list of items to procure with very little money with which to procure it. He sighed as he considered the fine example of wig made from human hair before reluctantly pointing to the adequate horsehair on the stand before him.

"Regretfully no," he replied, "but I should like to see any you may have ready, preferably of horsehair if you have one."

"Got great taste you have sir. We have one right here that looks to fit you, ready for purchase," the wigmaker's wife stated, "And should I be assumin' you wish to take a bit of powder to go with it?"

James smiled gratefully, unknowingly causing the matron to blush ever so slightly. He thanked her as he counted out the coins, only feeling a mild bit of worry over how little was left, and was suddenly quite grateful he'd secured cheap lodgings for shore leave until he found out where he was to be ordered.

Bidding the woman good day, James and Gillette exited the shop and stopped for a moment as it was clear they were heading in different directions. Gently advising the young man as to when it was acceptable to air views of their superior officers, tendency to go bald or no, they parted, leaving James to make his way back to his lodgings for some food and non-watered down spirits.

When he arrived, he found his orders had been deposited with the landlady. His eager fingers tore open the missive. He smiled as his eyes scanned the words.

HMS Reliant.

It seems he and his wig would meet the young imprudent Midshipman once more, and for some reason, James found he didn't much mind at all.


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