Summer 2013 Wrap-Up

Sep 04, 2013 10:15

It's that time of the year when I record all the stuff I did this summer, in an effort to convince myself that I did lots of stuff.

1.  Survived another season of Girls' Under 10 softball.  The umpires in the playoffs were brutal! (they made girls cry)
2.  Went to Severn Lodge again (Muskoka) with my family and in the process, survived the July heat wave quite nicely!
3.  Acquired a dog!  Attended several dog training sessions and let myself in for no end of criticism from other people re: how I'm not training my dog correctly.
4.  Attended a Blue Jays game with my daughter and her friend.
5.  Got basement renovations started.
6.  Attended an extended-family BBQ in Ayr.
7.  Organized a 2 week trip to Denmark and Britain, involving planes, trains, automobiles and crappy plumbing.
8.  Went on said trip to Europe and accomplished goals of 1) figuring out if I fit in to an international Jungian group (no) and 2) met with relatives I hadn't seen in 13 years (check).  Also, Lauren met and played with her 2nd cousins.  Also, we met up with her former babysitter in Malmo, Sweden.  In the process of this diplomatic trip, I a) set the stage for inviting relatives to come to Canada and b) developed nascent ideas for future trips including going back to Copenhagen in a couple of years, but dropping the kid off with babysitter in Sweden (who is like an adopted Grandmother) for a few days while the hubby and I explore kid-free Copenhagen (brilliant!).
9.  Shuffled my daughter around to various day camps, including one in London, Ontario.
10. Briefly attended the Dundas Cactus Festival.

Gee, that doesn't seem like a lot, but the 2 week trip to Europe took up a lot of time and energy.  Some things we didn't end up doing this summer include Wild-Water Works and going to Port Dover.  Oh well, there's always next year.

seasonal changes, travel, domestic/seasonal

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