"You think I'm an ignorant savage, and you've been so many places, I guess it must be so."

Apr 11, 2011 06:55

 I'm going to proceed with this 30 days of truth again! I thought to do it now because I CANNOT sleep for the life of me, and I've been thinking about doing this for a long time.

Day 5 - Something you hope to do in your life

There are so many things I want to do in my life. I think I'll just make a list; seem's easier.

-Make a living as an actor
-Act in England*
-Train in England*
-Have a main role in a film
-Win an Oscar
-Learn to sew
-Get a Ph.D in something I love
-Learn to sing properly
-Walk the steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower*
-Live in Paris
-Live in London*
-Write a play
-Work at Second City
-Be a volunteer in the Peace Corps for at least two years
-Learn to Speak French, Italian, Latin, and Arabic
-Visit Palestine
-Write a book
-Help build schools in Africa

* These things are probably going to be happening within the next year when I study theatre abroad in London!!!!!
I am so excited for that, you have NO IDEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

dreams, england, 30 days of truth

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