back yard wood pergola - re-staining project - roof completed - remainder half completed

Jul 15, 2024 12:25

Roof completed. Half of the remaining structure has been re-stained.

Now need to sweep underneath the completed portion, relocate all the outdoor furniture to be under the completed portion, then continue until the entire structure is re-stained.

If I can continue to make progress after 5pm every workday, might be completed by the end of this weekend *fingers crossed*.

Have almost fully consumed gallon four of stain (if I am keeping track correctly). Likely will have to purchase one last gallon, gallon five, to finish the project.

EDIT 2024-07-25

Due to seasonal heat wave weather, and finances, have paused working on the project since this LJ entry. Maybe this wkend will go get the fifth gallon of stain, as hopefully finances will have improved by then.

The weather is still an issue. Might only be able to comfortably stain in the early mornings for a few hours, until the heat-wave weather goes away.

Currently need to finish half of one support cross beam, then finish four vertical support columns, then the staining will be complete!

stain, wood, 2024, pergola

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