Electricity - utility - kwh

May 21, 2022 10:10

Electricity - utility - kwh

Most previous most recent utility electricity house power reading: date was 2021-11-28, reading was 73153kwh

Most recent utility electricity house power reading: date was 2022-05-02, reading was 76188kwh.

How many days has it been mrflash818@lenovoyogac930:~/projects/cplusplus/timediff/ ./timediff 2021-11-28 2022-05-02 155days kwh difference mrflash818@lenovoyogac930:/tmp echo $((76188 - 73153)) 3035kwh 3035kwh/155days = 19.6kwh/day 19.6kwh/day /24hrs = 0.817kwh/hour pwr usage average
I still feel we are doing "not bad" pwr usage for a family of five, with a regular refrigerator, and almost all our lighting being LED bulbs or CFL bulbs, and only using window air conditioner occasionally.

Still want to install a PV grid-tie generation system. A modest one that generates 1kw to 2kw or so.

That way I could use A/C or electric heaters "guilt free" on sunny days. And on days when not running A/C or electric heaters, use zero utility electricity for 6hrs to 8hrs or so, when the PV system would likely generate all electricity the house would consume while the sun was shining.

utility, kwh, timediff, contagion, 2022, electricity

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