Tweets for Today

Mar 04, 2009 08:30

  • 08:51 Creepy Christian Archie comics: #
  • 10:31 I am flipping you off. Not you, dear reader. I'm flipping off someone who does not know I am flipping them off. #
  • 11:29 Thinking about how I can indulge my son's giraffe fascination. #
  • 11:52 @ semibold I might give him nightmares: #
  • 12:47 You know what's tiresome? Geeks who think that because their sphincters are constantly clenched, they're somehow better than other geeks. #
  • 12:49 Note: I don't think I'm better than anyone because of my tastes. I just have different tastes than others. It's not a competition. #
  • 12:49 Note also: I'm not advocating group hugs, I just think people should lay off each other a little. We've got bigger problems to fry. #
  • 14:20 Trying to imagine the comic my cartoonist character would create as a reaction against his previous hipster-stroking one. #
  • 14:36 Shhhh... Don't tell Nate I'm going to go find a book with giraffes for him after work tonight. #
  • 15:34 Apparently Alton Benes was based on Richard Yates. #
  • 16:26 You know, when you're 40, you should really have your shit together. #
  • 16:28 Ah Twitter. How I love thee for thy enabling of every non sequitur that crosses my mind. #
  • 16:28 Also, thanks for keeping replies to 140 characters. #
  • 23:12 @ semibold What's all this then? #
  • 00:24 Another chapter done. Go to sleep. #
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