Blogging about Twitter and Blogging May or May Not Be a Sin

Mar 03, 2009 16:25

You know what Twitter has over Live Journal? Crank control. Even when Joe Blow is outraged OUTRAGED! at your latest post, he can't crank his graphomania up to 11. I think the restriction of 140 characters actually intimidates the cranks as much as writing a book freaks out the rest of us. "What? I can't draw on every bit of knowledge in my brain? I can't thrash you with 6,000 words that say nothing more than 'You are wrong'? Forget it, man." Then there's the bonus of not providing them with the real estate upon which they may squat and vent. They have to Tweet on their own account, hoping your eye will fall across their retort on the Reply page (though, again, 140 characters is like a pin prick beside the slashing and burning opportuities offered by LJ and other blogs). Tumblr goes one better by providing only the ability to reblog. It's like benches in a city park, when they place a "bum bar" through the middle so Box Car Willy can't stretch out and nap.

On the other hand, the serial Twitterers are beginning to look even more nuts to me than the diarrhetic bloggers. The need, the urgent DESIRE to constantly dribble out a meaningless thought a minute is pathetic; evidence of a small and lonely soul, scorned by all; loved by no one.

I am referring to myself, of course.

twitter, blogging

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