Jul 27, 2010 11:43

Thanks the Lord the FIFA World Cup ™ is something of the past. A lot of tourists were reluctant to come to deepest darkest Africa fearing for their lives. They heard about the crime and thought they’ll be murdered in their beds or be devoured by lions prowling for prey around Soccer City.

Happily, to the best of my knowledge, not a single tourist ended up as cat-food, which maybe is not such a good thing. I’m sure that a lot of soccer fans would not have minded it if Wayne Rooney, Frank Ribery and a couple of other underperforming star players were thrown screaming into the lion’s den.

I was utterly astounded to hear on talk radio this morning that Panjo the tiger - yes a fucking tiger - has escaped from the back of a bakkie (Light delivery vehicle to non-Serf Efricans) between two small towns, Groblerdal and Delmas in Mpumalanga.  Imagine the shit and drama if this happened a month ago when South Africa was awash with foreign visitors.

Panjo’s owner and handler, Rose Fernandes, has no idea how the big cat escaped but begged people not to harm him. She warned the public, however, not to approach him - and if they should cross paths with Panjo to carry a big stick which he’s apparently afraid of.

When the talk show host questioned her whether Panjo will attack she replied; “Maybe a small child” and also that he’s attracted to people as he’s used to be around humans. Her husband was too distraught about Panjo going AWOL that he couldn’t be interviewed.

Rose was quite vague about how Panjo ended up with them as a three week old cub and the local Wild Life Management Unit has no record of a tiger being registered with the unit.

I hope Panjo is found and that no-one gets hurt in the process. There is an intriguing story here and I’m sure all will be revealed.

I don’t think I’ll be going to Groblersdal this week. I used to live there in a previously life for more than three years in the mid-80’s. Maybe it’s not a good idea to visit my old haunts right now.

Imagine seeing a tiger on a lonely country road, realizing its not some drunken hallucination.....and not having a big stick handy.

Welcome to the wild wonders of South Africa

Goodness Greatness.  

weyrdness, panjo

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