Jul 29, 2010 12:53

Panjo and Goosey sounds like the name of a very bad ‘n sad Country & Western band. It ain’t my friend. Panjo is the name of a tiger, yes a fucking tiger, that escaped two days ago in Mpumalanga and Goosey is his owner.

This story made headline news in South Africa the last two days. Goosey found Panjo, his 145kg tiger, last night after a massive search with helicopters, sniffers dogs, the help of spirit mediums, sangomas and good karma.

Panjo was found by a Weimeraner named Zingela - a dog specially trained to track predators and Johnson Mhlanga, a Shangaan tracker considered to be the best in Africa. "Mad Mark" Tennant of Animal Planet fame was also involved in the search. Jeez, this sounds like a real “Boys Own” story.

Being interviewed on Talk Radio 702 this morning, with Panjo lounging on the couch, Goosey said; "It was the most awesome moment for me when I walked into that patch of black wattle trees and got my little cat back. He just walked up to me and licked me and purred at me, and I gave him his bit of meat and he climbed into my van. It was something words can't explain,"

Goosey said he cracked open a bottle of scotch last night in celebration of the happy reunion and treated Panjo to a bottle of milk.

I love happy endings.

tigers, panjo

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