Hmm... peace?

Oct 01, 2009 02:09

You know, after posting my last two journal entries, I feel strangely at eace with myself. Sure, I sound like some wanna be scholar on a path to bettering himself but hey, there's nothing wrong with that right? Well now I'm just laying here on my bed. Completely drained, but bathing in a sea of tranquility. Shut up, I like my metaphors. Anyhow, I guess after releasing a couple thoughts, arguing with myself, then typing it down does the mind wonders. Well I'm off to bed now, but I suppose I'll leave a little something for ya.

Highlights of my day

- Stayed awake in math... quite the accomplishment
- Bugged my english teacher once again, and enjoyed being the target of her jokes
- Picked up my guitar after god knows how long and playing it till my heart melted with warmth
- Talked to Sara online. It was nice getting a few laughs in today
- Talked to Pocket online. I swear that Tsundere of a girl is crazy, but you know what? I love her just the same. YOU'RE DAM CRAZY YOU KNOW THAT!?!?
- Started my series on self evaluation
- Going to bed the most relaxed I've been in a long, long time.

good night

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