Honestly I'm not that honest.

Oct 08, 2009 00:40

Are you questioning the title? You should, because honestly its true.

We all lie and we all sin, our world's good virtue's running thin
so what could change you for the better, just sit right down and read this letter.

Okay it's actually a journal... and I like to rhyme. Get used to it, you'll probably be seeing a whole lot of it as you read my journals.

Now I was originally planning on this post being another self reflection of evil deeds and sins that shall possibly drag me down to the pits of hell shall I not better myself, but I'm in too good of a mood right now to be as contemplative as I usually am. You may ask, "Gee wizz Mr. Sveden, why are you in such a jolly mood?" Well the answer is simple oh loved and honored reader. I have decided to push away my burdens for just a moment of relaxation. The crushing weight of my many problems has been set aside, so I may spend these few moments in complete relaxation. After all merely worrying about something will not fix it, so why not let it go for a bit and unwind. If you find yourself capable of this, give it a try. It's a truly magnifacent feeling. Like your own personal euphoria passing throughout your body. Not a care in the world.

Anyways, loonatic ranting aside, I shall now account for today's activities and happenings, while also leaving an update on my current life.

- I realized I forgot my flash drive at school today. I'm pretty sure it's gone for good.
- I giggled today... what a shameful act...
- I have an informative speech, argumentative essay, and about two months worth of math homework to catch up on.
- I realized the cute girl in my speech class has herself a boy toy
- I realized the cute girl in my english class is really.... cute o.O
- A good friend of mine seems to have reached an epiphany today with the assistance of a friend. I'm happy for her.
- I talked to another friend of mine today. She filled me in on her life, and I listened. Sometimes all we need is an ear to listen to our troubles and woes.

On another note, I've found a new point of interest <3 I'm quite excited to learn more about her. She's caught my attention quite well, and I absolutely must learn more about her. I'm quite curious as she seems to be a creative intellectual, but at the same time I can't really tell. I don't know anything about her, but I do hope to learn in the future. I become so childish once something truly grabs my attention XD It's very close to pathetic in my opinion. I do hope it doesn't reach a level of obsession :/ I don't wish to grow up to be some sort of creeper. Anyways, I do hope I'll be nearly as interesting to her as she is to me. How I love getting to know new people. It's quite the joy XD

On ANOTHER note.....

koigokorokimchii: omg i'm like... step on you
koigokorokimchii: D:
cafe haruko: D:<
cafe haruko: sadjlajk
cafe haruko: SCREW YOU.
koigokorokimchii: HAHAHA
koigokorokimchii: XD<

Hahaha oh how i love teasing the little ones...

daily life, interests, stuff

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